Own Your Impact: Food Waste Recycling
What you do with your food waste can make a huge difference to your environmental impact. The best way to help the planet is to reduce the amount of food waste you produce and recycle what is left.
It’s easier than you think to own your impact in 2023. With free weekly food waste collections throughout Surrey, all you need to do is place your leftovers in your food caddy and we will do the rest.
Once your food waste recycling is collected it’s taken to an anaerobic digestion facility. Here, food waste is broken down to produce biogas, which is collected and used to generate electricity.
If you are in need of a food caddy, contact your local council today. And remember you can keep your caddy fresh by lining it with a plastic bag. Simply use shopping bags, pedal bin liners or even bread bags.
Surrey Environment Partnership Chair Marisa Heath said: “Too much food is still going to waste and so I would like to remind residents that all food waste can be recycled in Surrey and encourage them to take advantage of their free weekly collection. Every resident can make a difference to the planet in 2023 if they simply caddy what they can’t eat. Please don’t put it in your black bin.”
For more information on food waste recycling as well as tips and recipes to help you reduce your food waste, visit surreyep.org.uk.