Help with illness this winter
Look after yourself
Winter illnesses such as colds, sore throats and upset stomachs can easily be treated at home. Many medicines are available from your local pharmacy - with no GP appointment or prescription needed – and help with prescription costs is available if you need it.
It’s also a good idea, if you can, to have a well-stocked medicine cabinet ready for when you need it - with pain relief (paracetamol), cough and sore throat remedies and other over-the counter medicines.

Finding the right information and support
Many people live with conditions or disabilities which mean they need a little extra support in their everyday lives. Often people don’t know where to turn in the event of a health or care crisis for themselves or for a loved one.
The Surrey Information Point (SIP) website includes a wealth of useful information and details of local trusted networks and organisations to help you and your loved ones live healthy, happy and independent lives.
It includes details of help with shopping and cooking, emotional support and befriending services, home care agencies to help with everyday things like getting out of bed and washing, community transport, useful equipment to help with living at home, support for carers and groups and services for various health conditions including diabetes, dementia and cancer.
So if you, or someone you know, needs some extra help after a hospital stay or an illness or they’re just not able to do all the things they once could do themselves there’s some great options in the community where you live.
If you’re not confident online, ask friends or family, health and care professionals, charities or staff in your local library to show you where you can access the support you need.
Get advice from your local pharmacy
Your local pharmacist can also offer advice and guidance on the best treatment for you – no appointment is needed. And they can also advise if they think you need to see a GP.
Pharmacists are available on every high street and in supermarkets, with many open evenings and weekends. Search to find a pharmacy near you.
Need urgent advice? – try NHS 111 online or call 24/7
NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and are unsure what to do.
To get help from NHS 111, you can: Go online to (for anyone age 5 years and over), call 111 or go to the NHS App if you have it and go to ‘advice’.
NHS111 will ask questions about your symptoms and give you advice, linking you in with local services (like out of hours GP services, pharmacies, emergency dental appointments and walk-in centres as needed).
In an emergency or life-threatening situation people should always call 999 or go to A&E.