Borough Insight

Borough in Bloom Success

Borough in Bloom Aug22

It has been an absolute joy to see the contributions to this year's Epsom and Ewell Borough in Bloom.

Residents and volunteer groups have been working hard to plant (and keep watering!) blooms across the borough. 

Volunteers planted up cast iron troughs throughout Epsom creating welcome splashes of colour in Epsom Town Centre. There were Jubilee themed planting schemes in Rosebery Park with a crown and a feature bed planted by U3A volunteers. 

In Ewell Village we saw 'blooming' themed windows in most shops along the high street and knitted floral decorations created by the Ewell Yarn Bombers on post boxes. Ewell Castle School planted old wellies to create fabulous displays and St Mary's Church in Ewell have created floral displays and are making plans to increase biodiversity in their churchyard. 

The new planters at Stoneleigh Station went down very well with the Borough in Bloom judges and plans were discussed for future planting schemes. 

Volunteers also planted bulbs on street verges and have been helping to water displays over the summer. 

Thank you so much to everyone who has taken part. You have helped brighten our summer. The awards will be announced mid September.

We're looking forward to Borough in Bloom 2023. 

Image: Green & vibrant icon


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