Surrey County Council Electric Vehicle Chargepoints Feedback

Surrey County Council is asking residents to suggest locations they would like to see electric vehicle charge points installed in Surrey, ready for the next phase of their installations planned. Suggestions can be made via the Surrey EV chargepoint interactive map.
Suggestions will be used to inform the selection of locations for the wider roll-out across the county, ensuring there is a comprehensive network of chargepoints. To be suitable for an EV chargepoint, locations should be:
- Where an electric vehicle can park legally and safely, with sufficient pavement space for wheelchairs and pushchairs to pass comfortably
- With nearby access to a power supply – we realise this is difficult to know, but with no access to a power supply an otherwise preferred location might not be possible due to power supply issues
- Chargepoints would normally be standalone equipment, however lighting columns located at the pavement edge nearest to the road might also be possible