Borough Insight

Be prepared - check your flood risk

Surrey County Council lead flood risk management for the county, including for the borough of Epsom & Ewell. We urge residents to take proactive steps to prepare for potential flooding especially during this time of year. With flood incidents on the risk, it is crucial to reduce risks and ensure you are safe.

Flooding can have a severe and lasting impact on lives, often catching many of us unaware and unprepared. It can be an emotional time, causing significant worry and stress. To help residents navigate these challenging situations, we have compiled essential information and key contacts.

Check your risk

Residents are advised to check their home's flood risk, visit check the long term flood risk for an area in England or calling the Floodline (24-hour service) on 0345 988 1188. There is also the opportunity to register for flood alerts and warnings.

The latest information on flooding in Surrey can be found on the Flood Warning Information Service page or by phoning them on 0345 988 1188. You can also sign up to receive flood warnings.

Know how to Prepare.Act.Survive

There are simple steps you can take to prepare for flooding which can help keep you and your family safe, and save you thousands of pounds in damages and disruption. Learn more about what you can do to plan ahead for flooding.

If there is a risk of flooding, we have advice on how to be prepared for a flood.

Protecting your home from flooding

It is your responsibility to protect your home in the first instance. If you think your home is at risk of flooding then you may want to look at using suitable flood defence products.

The National Flood Forum is a charity set up to support those affected by flooding. They have a list of available flood protection products on their Blue Pages website.

Report flooding

Find out how and who you can report different types of floods to on this flooding webpage.

During a flood

Flooding events can be devastating, leaving lasting impacts that are both financial and emotional for residents and business owners.

During a flooding incident, you should focus on the safety of yourself and others and stay out of floodwater. We have put together some advice on what to do should an incident occur.

If there is danger to life, call 999 and follow advice from the emergency services.

After a flood

Once the flood waters have subsided and you've returned to your home or business, we have put together some practical advice and resources to support you through the necessary steps for recovery after a flood.

Get support

If someone has concerns about their own or others' mental health, they can visit their GP or call NHS on 111, who can help identify further sources of support.

NHS Every Mind Matters guidance also has advice on how to deal with stress or anxiety as well as information about where you can access further support.

NHS services is a good source of local health information, including local mental health services.

Helplines, such as Samaritans, can provide support to anyone in emotional distress or struggling to cope. The Samaritans free helpline is available 24 hours a day on 116123.

If you, or someone you know, is vulnerable, requires additional assistance or has additional communication needs then you can sign up to the Priority Services Register and contact your utility providers. It is free and can help you or a loved one to stay safe, warm and independent at home.

Useful contacts

For general advice, call the Environment Agency's 24-hour Floodline on 0345 988 1188.

To report roads and drains, call Surrey County Council on 0300 2001003.

Further Epsom & Ewell Borough Council information


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