Together, we make a difference - Arjan from our Housing Team

We're a small borough and council, but we are passionate about what we do. We work hard with, and for, our residents to make Epsom & Ewell a great place to live, work and visit.
We're telling some of the stories of the work done by Epsom & Ewell Borough Council's staff, Councillors and residents that make a positive difference to our borough.
Arjan from Epsom & Ewell Borough Council's Housing Team told us about the work his team do with residents and partners to reduce homelessness within our borough.
"I’m the Strategic Housing Manager at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council. My team and I help people find accommodation when they need it, for example if a family find themselves to be homeless for any reason: perhaps they have been evicted without warning or are fleeing domestic violence. The main challenge we face is the shortage of affordable housing in our borough, particularly for families.
"We work hard to find short-term accommodation solutions, like the Private Sector Lease scheme. We are also seeing increasing numbers of people with complex needs coming to us for support. We work with other agencies, like mental health services and adult social care, to find lasting solutions for people. We work strategically to prevent homelessness across Epsom & Ewell wherever possible, for example working with developers to maximise the number of affordable homes planned as part of new housing developments in the borough.
"I also oversee the Home Improvement Agency which offers financial assistance to help people with disabilities or additional needs make changes to their home, so they can continue to live independently.
"The dedication and skill of the team makes a huge difference to how we are able to help our customers. While I’ve been at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council we’ve worked across a huge range of different issues: from the Homes for Ukraine scheme, which helped place more than 120 people across the borough, to helping people stave off homelessness during the cost of living crisis.
"What I enjoy most about my role is working with partners to find long-lasting housing solutions for people in Epsom & Ewell."
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