The cattle are back on Epsom Common
If you're visiting Epsom Common local nature reserve you may spot the cattle grazing in each of the grazed areas: Horton Heath, Great Pasture and Rye Meadow. 
Each summer we host a herd of cattle as part of the annual grazing project in cooperation with the Epsom Common Association, the Lower Mole Partnership and Natural England. This years' herd, a mixture of Dexter and Galloways, arrived last week. The grazing project helps manage and restore wood pasture (a priority habitat) on the Common.
Grazing was re-introduced in 1997 and this season there will be 15 animals in three grazed areas from May until the autumn. The project is carefully monitored by the council’s countryside team and Natural England under the guidance of the Common’s management plan. For more information please see our website.
In order to ensure the welfare of the cattle, the animals are checked on a daily basis. Daily inspections are also undertaken to ensure that the electric fencing and water supply in the grazing area is in good working order and that the cattle's mineral licks are in place.
Please look after our grazing areas so they remain special places for wildlife by only walking across them, keeping dogs under close control and do not light fires anywhere on site.
Did you know? Prolonged spells of dry weather make it very easy for wildfires to start, please:
- Do not light fires
- Dispose of cigarettes correctly – don’t drop them!
- Take litter home with you. Discarded items such as glass bottles can start a fire.
Remember, disposable BBQs are not permitted in all our parks and nature reserves due to their fire risk. Please pack a picnic instead.
If you see a fire in our parks and nature reserves, please report it immediately by calling 999.
Pictured: Galloway on Horton Heath grazed area on Epsom Common local nature reserve.