Have your say on the Draft Local Plan Consultation
We want everyone who lives, works, visits or studies in the borough to give their views on the Draft Local Plan.

The Local Plan will set the vision and framework for future development in the borough up to 2040. It focuses on a wide range of aspects designed to support the borough to grow in a strong and positive way, including supporting businesses, environmental protection, leisure development and new homes including affordable accommodation.
The consultation has been open for five weeks so far, and closes on Sunday 19 March. Those wanting to respond or find out more about the Local Plan can visit www.epsom-ewell.gov.uk/local-plan, and hard copies of the Local Plan and response forms are also available in the borough’s libraries and Epsom’s Town Hall. A Q&A is included in the next article to answer common questions.
Cllr Steven McCormick, Chair of the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee, said: “This consultation on the Draft Local Plan is a very early stage in an extensive process to produce a final Local Plan. What we want is for all those interested in the future of the borough to give us their feedback by responding to the consultation. All feedback will be carefully considered and the Plan will be honed and adapted before going out for a second public consultation.
“Through the public events we have run we have seen certain questions appearing and we are keen to answer these for residents, businesses and stakeholders. We hope this Q&A will be helpful and will encourage people to give us their views.”
The key milestones for the Local Plan are as follows:
- February - March 2023 – Draft Local Plan public consultation (Regulation 18) - we are at this stage
- Consultation feedback and any further evidence gathered is reviewed, and the next version of the Local Plan is created.
- February - March 2024 – Further Public Consultation (Regulation 19)
- June 2024 – Submission to the Secretary of State
- Spring 2025 – Estimated date of Adoption
For more information and to give your views, visit the Draft Local Plan Consultation webpage on our website: epsom-ewell.gov.uk/local-plan