Borough Insight

Spotlight on

Court Recreation Ground Bowling Pavilion - available for hire

Opportunity to rent the Bowling Pavilion and Green at Court Recreation Ground, from March 2023.

This is a rare opportunity to rent this leisure space.

Bowling Green 2023

The space could be used for bowling again, or another leisure activity (subject to permissions).

Details are as follows: 

  • The Pavilion is approximately 94 sq m (1011.44 sq ft) gross internal, site is 0.271 hectares (0.67 acres) 
  • Comprises main room with kitchen area (53 sq m) and two changing rooms
  • Connected to mains water and electricity
  • It would suit the same use, or alternative leisure uses subject to planning permission and other relevant consents

To enquire about this opportunity please contact Epsom & Ewell Borough Council. Email us(link sends e-mail) or call us on 01372 732000. 

Opportunity & Prosperity Roundel

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