Borough Insight


Cost of Living Support

The cost of living increases this winter are worrying for many people. There are a number of initiatives offering people support across the borough.

You can find information on how Epsom & Ewell are supporting residents during this time on our website: Cost of living support in Epsom & Ewell

Warm Wednesdays

There is now a network of Warm Hubs available across Surrey for residents to pop-in, get warm and meet others with an opportunity to get free energy saving advice too. Locations and opening times of Warm Hubs across the county can be found here:   

If you are worrying about money, take a look at this leaflet: Leaflet: Worrying About Money? (this is a link to download a PDF file).

We talked to Robert Hill, one of the people behind 'Warm Wednesdays' at Epsom Methodist Church, an initiative offering warmth, food and hot drinks and entertainment to people for free this winter.

How long have you lived in the Epsom & Ewell area?

I came to live in Epsom in 1978. We loved living and bringing up our family in the town - we witnessed the building of the Ashley Centre, the Playhouse, the Rainbow Centre and the Odeon - facilities that we take for granted now. For eight years I served as a borough councillor for Court Ward. In 2019 I moved to Leatherhead to make it easier to visit and spend time with my wife, Beth, who had a rare form of an early onset dementia and needed residential care. However, much of my life still revolves around Epsom.

How did you come up with the idea for Warm Wednesdays? 

I began thinking about Warm Spaces when I heard Martin Lewis, the money advice expert, talking about the difficulties that many people are going to face this winter keeping warm and paying their energy bills, especially as food costs as well heating costs are rising fast. At the same time the national media was reporting on the idea of creating warm spaces where people could go to keep warm. I talked with some friends and our Minister about the idea of Epsom Methodist Church offering a warm space and they encouraged me to explore the idea. As a town centre church we see it as part of our mission to open up our premises and enable the community to use our facilities. The concept of Warm Wednesdays took off from that point!

Could you tell us more about what you're aiming to achieve with Warm Wednesdays?

We're aiming to:

  • Create a Warm Wednesdays programme where one day a week people can come and stay as long as they like between 9am and 6pm and enjoy our hospitality throughout the day. In the morning there will be free hot drinks, free soup and a buttered roll at lunch time and an after-school club for families (including a teatime hot meal).
  • Create a band of volunteers to deliver the service we are offering.
  • Liaise with other churches in the borough and with Surrey County Council with the aim of creating a network of warm places that people can go to across the week.

Whether you want to drop in, book a teatime meal for the family or offer to help here are more details about Warm Wednesdays at Epsom Methodist Church on our website: Epsom Methodist Church/Warm Wednesdays


Commemorative Benches For Those Lost in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council is installing 14 memorial benches across the Borough to commemorate all the lives lost in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Metal benches have been placed at Alexandra Recreations Ground, Auriol Park, Ewell Court Park, Long Grove Park, Mounthill Gardens, Nonsuch Park, Shadbolt Park, Stoneleigh Broadway, The Grove in Ewell Village and The Wells Centre.

Wooden benches will also be placed at Epsom Common, Grandstand Road, Horton Country Park and Hogsmill by the stepping stones at a later date. Flowers will also be planted around the benches where appropriate.

Funding for the benches was provided via the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

Councillor Hannah Dalton, who put forward the CIL bid, said, “The past two years have been extremely hard for everyone in the Borough, but more so for those who have lost loved ones. These benches are our permanent memorial to all those affected by the pandemic.

“I hope they will bring comfort to grieving families, ensuring that their loved one will always have a place in and be remembered by our community.”

Councillor John Beckett, Chair of Environment and Safe Communities Committee, added, “While these benches memorialise the pandemic, they also represent a time for reflection within the Borough. I can’t think of a more fitting tribute to those we have lost, than to have something to remind us and generations to come.”

Mayor Unveils Improvements at Epsom & Walton Downs

The Mayor of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, Councillor Clive Woodbridge, has officially unveiled the first phase of an exciting programme of improvements on Epsom & Walton Downs.

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council (EEBC) secured a grant of £132,000 from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development to support the rural economy by encouraging visitors.

The EAFRD grant was boosted by a further £18,000 from The Jockey Club and £20,000 from the Epsom & Walton Downs Conservators.

The improvements, which includes new benches, bins, picnic tables, waymarkers, information boards and counting posts, have been three years in the planning and began earlier this year after funding was secured.

The new infrastructure will enhance the visitor experience and allow tourists and residents to enjoy the panoramic views, discover the role of the Downs in the Borough’s equestrian history and learn about the unique flora and fauna of the area. It also improves safety for both visitors and the horses by directing people away from training grounds.

The benches, bins, counting posts, picnic tables and waymarkers are now in place, and the information boards will be completed in the coming weeks. Further developments such as a brass rubbing trail are also planned for the future.

Councillor Liz Frost, Chair of the Epsom & Walton Downs Conservators, stated “I am delighted to see the improvements being made to this much-loved part of our Borough. We had three aims at the start of this project; to increase rural tourism; to improve safety for visitors and for both the horses and staff involved in racehorse training on the Downs; and to educate people about the area. I think this initiative will help us to achieve those goals.

“I love the nods to our equestrian history on the benches and bins. The information boards will be a great asset in sharing the unique history and ecosystem of the area with visitors, and the counting posts will be able to tell the difference between walkers, cyclists and riders, so we can tailor facilities in the future. We hope that visitors to the Downs will enjoy these new resources.”

Simon Durrant, General Manager at Epsom Downs Racecourse, said, “The contribution to improving the Epsom & Walton Downs is something The Jockey Club is very passionate about.

“The work being carried out contributes to preserving the history of the area, along with improving the experience of all visitors, be that walkers, riders or cyclists. We look forward to the continued development throughout the next phase of improvements.”

Latest Jobs at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council

Our small but ambitious authority offers you the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of varied and interesting work.  That, together with an enviable array of staff benefits and a rewarding and challenging career is our unique offer to you.

If you have the passion and the drive to make a real difference, we really want to hear from you. Take a look at current vacancies here. 

Featured Jobs

Senior Accountant

We are looking for an enthusiastic senior accountant to join our busy finance department. 

Closing date: 27 November, 2022

Arts, Culture & Heritage Programme Officer

In this newly created role you will be at the heart of driving the Council’s creative ambitions, bringing partners together to deliver an engaging programme of arts, cultural and heritage events and activities across the borough.

Experienced in arts, culture or heritage sector development, you will be able to build and manage multiple external partnerships and projects, whilst actively seeking emerging opportunities for collaboration and funding.

Closing date: 20 November, 2022

Find out more about the Arts, Culture & Heritage Programme Officer role here

View a list of all current vacancies at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council here.

At Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, we are passionate about maintaining an inclusive workplace for all that reflects the communities we serve. We welcome applications from all sections of our community particularly from underrepresented backgrounds, including BAME, LGBTQ+ and those with hidden or visible disabilities.

We are committed to ensuring all our staff – regardless of gender, age, religion, sexuality, ethnicity or disability – can thrive and succeed whilst working with us.

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