Epsom Town Centre Masterplan Consultation
Time to give your views on the future of Epsom Town Centre
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council opened a public consultation on Monday 25 July giving residents, workers, business owners and visitors the chance to help shape the future of Epsom town centre.

The consultation aims to discover:
- How respondents feel about the town centre today
- How respondents would like the town centre to change in the future
- What respondents think should happen in the key opportunity areas that have been identified
The public’s opinions will inform a new Epsom Town Centre Masterplan, which will be a key part of the evidence base for Epsom & Ewell’s borough-wide Local Plan, guiding decisions about planning, development and investment in the future.
Councillor Steven McCormick, Chair of the Licensing & Planning Policy Committee, said, “We want to hear as many local voices and opinions as possible about our Town Centre. To do this we need a range of people who both visit and use Epsom to go online and take part. There will be an exhibition within the Ashley Centre (opposite Costa Coffee) from the 8th August."
Respondents will be able to give their views via an online questionnaire at which has been made possible with the support of the Department for Levelling Up, Homes and Communities (DLUHC) “Prop Tech” 2 engagement fund.

Latest Jobs at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
This is an exciting time to join our team at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council. Take a look at current vacancies here:
At Epsom & Ewell, we aspire to deliver high quality services to our residents. We might be small, but we have big plans to serve our population of 80,000 residents. We are investing in our future, increasing strategic capacity and exploring new ways of working.
Our small but ambitious authority offers you the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of varied and interesting work. Successful candidates will be supported to achieve their own professional goals and will be joining a dedicated, friendly and professional team who embrace our ethos of ‘One Team’.
If you have the passion and the drive to make a real difference, we really want to hear from you.
Featured Jobs
This is a new role. In this role, you will work within the Corporate Assurance team with exposure to services across the Council. You'll support the Procurement and Contract Manager by:
- Managing the councils contract register
- Administrator for In-Tend, the councils eSourcing portal
- Liaising and supporting Officers with procurement queries, managing the procurement inbox
- Advising officer on Contract Standing Orders (CSO’s)
- Managing the waiver process
- Submitting Contracts Finder award notices
You will become familiar with the other departments within the council including projects, finance, operational services and property & regeneration. You'll be supported by your manager and tutor with guided learning either online or at a study centre. 20% of your time work time (equivalent to one day a week) will be dedicated to your evidence portfolio and your qualification. Training will be a combination of on the job and off the job.
Interested? Find out more here.
This role will support delivering our vision and the aspirations of local people, as well as driving forward key deliverables from our Four Year and Recovery Plans.
We are a Residents’ Association controlled Council which operates a committee system of decision-making. You will work as part of a small friendly team in a challenging and busy environment. We're looking for someone with experience in a democratic services environment and knowledge of a committee management system will be beneficial.
The focus of this role is the administration of committees ensuring open, legal, and transparent decision-making and supporting the organising and delivery of elections. This role works at a high level with senior officers across the Council and Councillors. This role will support and deputise for the Democratic Services Manager and will deal with more complex agendas and committees.
Interested? Find out more here.
At Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, we are passionate about maintaining an inclusive workplace for all that reflects the communities we serve. We welcome applications from all sections of our community particularly from underrepresented backgrounds, including BAME, LGBTQ+ and those with hidden or visible disabilities. We are committed to ensuring all our staff – regardless of gender, age, religion, sexuality, ethnicity or disability – can thrive and succeed whilst working with us.

Annual Canvass Launched
The Annual Canvass

Every year Epsom and Ewell Borough Council is required by law to contact each household in the Borough to find out if there have been any changes to who is eligible to be registered to vote at each address. We'll be contacting households again from August until November.
This year we'll continue to implement the changes to the way the annual canvass is held following the implementation of The Representation of the People (Annual Canvass)(Amendment) Regulations 2019. We will be contacting residents by email and telephone as well as sending out canvass communications in the post.
Your household will receive one or more of the below:
- A confirmation letter on green paper sent by post. You will be asked to check the names of people living at your address. You only need to respond if you need to make a change or update the information printed on the letter.
- A canvass form sent on yellow paper by post. This form will ask you to confirm who is currently eligible to vote in your household. By law, you must respond to this form and provide the information requested.
- An email communication in relation to the above if you have previously provided an email address to Electoral Services – expected to be sent on or around 1 August.
How to respond
To confirm or update the details for your household:
If you are asked to respond to a canvass communication and don’t, we will make other attempts to get a response from you, which may include reminder forms, calling you on the telephone or a visit to your property, so please respond as soon as you receive the information request from us.
If you have any questions about how to respond to the letter, form or email you have received, please email sends e-mail).
Unsubscribe from emails
If you want to unsubscribe from getting the annual canvass communication by email then please email your request including your full name and address to: sends e-mail)
Please note that there is a criminal penalty for failing to provide the information required when requested to do so by the Electoral Registration Officer of a maximum of £1,000. The penalty for providing false information to an Electoral Registration Officer is imprisonment of up to 51 weeks or, (on summary conviction) an unlimited fine.
Will returning the form register me to vote?
No, adding your name to your canvass response will not register you to vote. Voter registration is a separate process and once you have told us you need to register we will send information either by email or post to each unregistered person at your property giving information on how to register. You do not need to wait for this information, you can register via the national voter registration website
The two versions of the register
The Electoral Registration Officer makes and keeps two versions of the electoral register.
- • The full register - This lists everyone who is entitled to vote. This is the register that is used for running elections and for other specified uses as prescribed by law (contact Electoral Services for more information). The full register is a public document and it can be inspected by anyone. The full register is not available on the internet, it is in paper format only and any inspection of the register must be done under supervision. It is held at the Town Hall and if you wish to look at the full register, please contact Electoral Services to arrange an appointment.
- • The open register – This version can be bought by anyone and used for any purpose such as putting your personal details on the Internet and mail marketing. Being on the open register is optional so if you do not want your details sold on you can say NO. The open register is also held at the Town Hall, please contact sends e-mail) to arrange an appointment.
Want to come off the open register?
If your details are on the open register and you wish them to come off then you can ask for them to be removed. Contact electoral services by email, giving your name and address to sends e-mail) or by phoning the helpline 01372 732120 or 732152. You can also go back onto the open register by requesting to do so in writing.
Checking the new register
The new register will be published on 1 December 2022 and can be checked after that date at the Town Hall.
The new register will be used to run any elections that may be held in 2023.
Please note: You are not automatically registered to vote by registering to pay Council Tax. This is because you may be eligible to pay Council Tax but not be eligible to vote. You should also be aware that not registering to vote can affect your credit history.
Need more help?
If you need more advice, please contact electoral services at the Town Hall, The Parade, Epsom Surrey, KT18 5BY Tel: 01372 732120 or 732152 or email: sends e-mail)
Your personal information
We will only use the information you give us for electoral purposes. We will look after personal information securely and we will follow the Data Protection Act 1998. We will not give personal information about you and the other people in your household to anyone else or another organisation unless we have to by law.

Upper Mill and Horse Pond Repairs

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council have been carrying out maintenance to Horse Pond and Upper Mill Pond in Ewell to improve the waterflow and biodiversity in the Hogsmill River.
Large scale sheet piling is being installed to the banks at Upper Mill Pond to prevent leakages. While at Horse Pond, repairs are being made following the damage from leaks and the removal of the weir.
To make the repairs to Horse Pond it was necessary to lower the water level, making the pond very shallow. To maintain and enhance the pond’s wildlife the team have extracted the silt from the pond.
The work on both ponds is critical in ensuring waterflow to the Hogsmill River. The Hogsmill River is a chalk spring fed river, one of only 200 worldwide. Chalk spring fed rivers are an internationally important habitat that support a unique collection of animal and plant life.
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council has a ‘Biodiversity Duty’ under the Natural Environment & Rural Communities Act 2006 and the Environment Act 2021 to carry out this work and ensure this precious habitat can continue to flourish.

Green Flag Awarded for Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council is pleased to have received a Green Flag Award for Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve, one of 2208 UK winners. The award is the international quality mark for parks and green spaces.
This is the 16th year that Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve has received this award.
Over the last few years, borough parks and nature reserves have been vital places for people to relax, exercise and meet friends and family safely.
Councillor John Beckett of the Environment and Safe Communities Committee said: “We have some fantastic parks and green spaces in the borough. The news that Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve has achieved the Green Flag Award for the 16th year in a row is a testament to our teams and volunteers whose hard work all year-round ensures it is well maintained. We are also reminding everyone to be fire aware and not to light any BBQs in our green spaces as there is currently such a high risk of fires spreading in this dry spell.”
Commenting on the news Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve has met the Green Flag Award standard, Keep Britain Tidy’s Accreditation Manager Paul Todd said: “I would like to congratulate everyone involved in making Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve worthy of a Green Flag Award.
“Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve is a vital green space for the local community. This award is testament to all the hard work of staff and volunteers, who do so much to ensure that it maintains the high standards demanded by the Green Flag Award.”
The Green Flag Award scheme, managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of green spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world.
A full list of Green Flag Award-winning parks and green spaces is available here.

Boosting Safety and Vitality of Night Time Economy in Epsom Town Centre
We're very pleased that Epsom and Ewell Borough Council will receive £271,712 in government funding for a project to improve safety for Epsom town centre’s night-time economy.

The Home Office’s Safer Streets funding was secured in partnership with Surrey Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Business Improvement District, Go Epsom.
These improvements are aimed specifically at supporting the safety and vitality of the night-time economy, including focusing on the safety and of women and girls in particular.
The funding will help the following items:
- Upgrade of CCTV in Epsom town centre
- Support businesses operating in the evening with training and accreditation
- Support the existing Street Pastors with equipment and training
- Develop a further night-time presence to build on the work of the Street Pastors
- Provide anti drink spiking equipment to licensed premises and customers
- Deliver a communications package promoting the safety of patrons in the town centre and promote personal safety
Councillor John Beckett, Chair of the Environment and Safe Communities Committee, said, “It’s great to hear Epsom has received the Safer Streets funding, we are particularly proud of the partnership working that took place to bring this resource together for the benefit of local residents and businesses.
“Supporting the night-time economy while ensuring the safety of residents, particularly female ones, is an important priority and we will continue to work with everyone involved to ensure this money is spent effectively. Epsom town centre is a vibrant evening economy and we are delighted to enhance safety and boost confidence for every business and visitor.”
Karen Pengelly, BID Manager at Go Epsom, said, “Since Epsom’s businesses reopened after Covid lockdowns, the BID has been doing lots of groundwork on safety and security, engaging with our local licensed premises and retailers and working with security experts to reduce offending.
“This fresh investment in a modern and much improved CCTV system provides Epsom with the tools that are needed to reduce theft and anti-social behaviour. It’s wonderful news.”

Come and see us at the 'Grow Your Own Business Show' on 22 September.
The ultimate networking event for businesses in Surrey, London and surrounding areas.
The Grow Your Own Business show is a free event at Epsom Downs Racecourse dedicated to providing a professional, open and friendly platform for start-ups, SME's (small and medium-sized enterprises) and large businesses who're looking to network, build relationships, gain new knowledge and keep up to date with the latest products and services.
The show includes a morning networking session, speed networking sessions, a women's power hour, expert panel, 12+ seminars led by industry experts & keynote speakers and numerous opportunities to network with 800+ attendees and 70+ exhibitors throughout Surrey and surrounding areas.
Visit the website: to keep up-to-date on exhibitors, speakers, networking opportunities and the full agenda.
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council will be there too - come and say hello!
Date: 22 September 2022
Time: 8am - 4pm
Venue: Epsom Downs Racecourse

Help Us Tackle Homelessness in the Borough
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council is carrying out a public consultation on its draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and the associated Action Plan; you have until 23rd August to respond.
The Strategy and Action Plan sets out how Epsom and Ewell Borough Council intends to meet the needs of residents who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness, including rough sleeping, over the next five years.

A review into homelessness in the borough has already been carried out in order to identify the extent of the issue, future trends and gaps in the current service.
The draft strategy sets out six key objectives based on the findings of the review:
- Early identification, intervention and prevention of homelessness
- Reduce rough sleeping
- Increase accommodation options:
- Social rented housing
- Private rented accommodation
- Supported and move-on accommodation
- In-borough temporary accommodation
- Improve the health and wellbeing of homeless people
- Ensure sufficient support is available for homeless people
- Partnership working
Delivery of the strategy will be supported by an Action Plan, which sets out the actions to be undertaken and details how Epsom and Ewell Borough Council will achieve its aims and objectives. The Strategy and Action Plan will be monitored and reviewed on an annual basis through a multi-agency Homelessness Forum.
Respondents are asked to complete a questionnaire, reviewing the Homelessness Review, Strategy and Action Plan. The questionnaire and background material are all available on

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council Response to the Ultra Low Emission Zone Consultation

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council has responded to Transport for London’s (TFL) Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) consultation.
TFL’s proposal is to expand the ULEZ to all London boroughs, including Kingston-upon-Thames and Sutton. This means eight out of the 13 wards in the borough will border the ULEZ and be directly affected. The Council anticipates the remaining wards will also be impacted by increased parking demand and use of side streets by non-exempt vehicle owners.
The following response was agreed by members at Full Council on 28 July:
- Provision is required for exempt routes which enable access to essential places and roads such as:
- A3, M25, A240.
- Facilities, e.g. the existing St Helier in Sutton.
- SW Region stations and other transport hubs that at present are outside the ULEZ but require EEBC residents to pass through the proposed ULEZ to reach them.
- Owners of non-exempt vehicles in EEBC to be included in any scrappage scheme that the Mayor of London is requesting from central government for London borough residents.
- The consultation period of two months should be extended until 31 December 2022 to allow more careful analysis of the cause and effect to the welfare and economy of the boroughs.
Councillor John Beckett, Chair of Environment and Safe Communities Committee, said: “We support the move to reduce high levels of air pollution, which the ULEZ scheme aims to achieve. However, owing to the acute economic pressure households and business are facing at this time, the scheme needs to consider the economic, social and mental health needs of all communities affected by this scheme, not just London boroughs.”

Taxi Consultation Open!

The Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy has been revised in line with the Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards published by the Department for Transport and other current best licensing practice.
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council wants to hear what the taxi trade, residents and local organisations think about the proposals, and find out what our priorities should be for future reviews of the policy.
An 8-week public consultation is open until the 9 September 2022.
The full draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy can be viewed here. Whilst all sections of the policy have been updated to provide greater clarity and detail, a summary of key changes is also provided for convenience.
There is a brief questionnaire to help provide focus on the key issues we need to understand when develop our policy, see this link to complete it.

Local Plan Consultation Coming in October

This October Epsom and Ewell Borough Council will commence the next phase of the Local Plan. Watch this space to find out how you can have your say.
The borough’s previous Local Plan and related strategies were successful in helping to mould the borough into the welcoming and successful place that it is today.
The new Local Plan will have a similar role, responding to the latest challenges we face as a borough and listening to the views of local people to help shape an even better future for decades to come.
It will put in place a clear strategy to bring investment, growth and prosperity to the borough, delivering new homes, jobs, improved transport and green spaces; as well as setting out strong guidance about the type of growth we expect to see, protecting the borough from ad hoc and inappropriate development.
The new Local Plan will ensure that Epsom and Ewell continues to evolve as a modern market borough which offers a special and unique place for people to live, work, learn and enjoy themselves.