Epsom & Ewell Proposed Submission Local Plan to be debated at Full Council
On 20 November 2024, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council's Licensing & Planning Policy Committee considered the Proposed Submission Local Plan and made their recommendation to Full Council, which will take place on 10 December.
The borough’s current Local Plan is more than five years old: not having an up-to-date Local Plan may leave the borough at increased risk of unplanned and speculative development.
In its final form, the borough’s Local Plan will determine where new development should go and where should be protected, identifying potential sites for new homes including affordable accommodation, also supporting businesses, creating jobs and securing much needed infrastructure improvements.
However, there is far more to the Local Plan than allocating sites for development: it covers a range of matters that will benefit current and future residents of the borough, such as protecting public open spaces and retail areas, ensuring environmental protection and higher standards for biodiversity, supporting more sustainable forms of travel, and increasing the standard of new homes and commercial buildings.
Since the Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation last year, council officers have been reviewing feedback and working to compile the evidence base reports to inform the Proposed Submission Local Plan to be considered by Councillors. This follows the local plan timetable, set out in our Local Development Scheme (2023).
Councillor Peter O’Donovan, chair of the Licensing & Planning Policy Committee, said:
“As Councillors, our task is to tread carefully the path between protecting and safeguarding the unique character of our borough, including our heritage and green spaces; whilst ensuring future generations can thrive, access jobs, find affordable homes for their families, and enjoy recreation facilities, the countryside and nature. As residents of Epsom & Ewell ourselves, we are fully committed to delivering a local plan that achieves this.
The feedback from residents, organisations, partners and visitors to our borough provided during last year’s Regulation 18 consultation forms part of the evidence base used to develop the Proposed Submission Local Plan and, following that feedback, changes were made to the Proposed Submission Local Plan.
Last night the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee voted to endorse the Proposed Submission Local Plan as being sound and recommended the plan to be considered by Full Council next month.
I urge everyone who is interested in the borough’s Local Plan to watch the Full Council meeting on 10 December and sign up to be kept updated when the next public consultation on the Local Plan (Regulation 19) takes place, which will be at the earliest opportunity and no later than January 2025.”
If you would like to be kept updated on when the next consultation is taking place, please visit is external), and enter your details via the 'Register' tab.

Any questions?
You can find out more about the borough's Local Plan on our website here: Epsom and Ewell Local Plan | Epsom and Ewell Borough Council including FAQs here: Local Plan FAQs | Epsom and Ewell Borough Council.

Funding approved for community projects in Epsom & Ewell
On 12 November 2024, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s Strategy and Resources Committee approved funding for infrastructure projects to take place over the next few years across the borough. Strategy and Resources Committee papers, 12 November 2024.
The projects funded will create health and recreational benefits for the community, improve accessibility to key facilities and services for our residents and help biodiversity and the ecosystem.
A total of £331,966 has been allocated for five Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) projects following bids by community groups and organisations, and a total of £1,755,000 has also been allocated for three Strategic CIL funding projects.
The CIL raises funds from developers recognising that new development creates pressure on local infrastructure. It is spent on the provision, improvement, replacement, operation, or maintenance of local infrastructure.
Funding has been approved for the following projects:
- Rebuilding Glynn Hall, Ewell Village - to help make it a more accessible, and effective, community hub.
- Hogsmill Local Nature Reserve Footpath Improvements - to the Manor Drive entrance to Hogsmill railway tunnel to improve access and protect fragile habitats within the nature reserve.
- A new Bourne Hall Woodland Play Area - to be developed in a wooded area with equipment complementing the surrounding area.
- Gateley Green Playground Improvements - with new play equipment offering support to families with little or no access to private or outdoor spaces.
- Gibraltar Playground Improvements - with new equipment, providing access to better quality and educational, play spaces.
- Waterloo Road Street Tree Planting - with two trees planted, providing an environmental and aesthetical lift to the edge of the town centre.
- Ewell Village public realm enhancements - that will improve the high street including safer and more pedestrian-friendly spaces and improving local environmental sustainability, providing a platform for better connections between people and supporting businesses.
- Priest Hill Football Development - with full Football Association 3G football pitch offering affordable access to world class sporting facilities, both recreational for the community or more structured training and sport activities.
- New Club House at Old Schools Lane, Ewell - providing a home for community sports and an indoor space for activities including arts clubs, health and fitness groups, counselling services and the Sunnybank Trust which supports 250 vulnerable men, women and young adults with learning difficulties.
Councillor Neil Dallen, Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee, said: "Our aim is to maximise the benefit for residents through the funds we have available. The Community Infrastructure Levy offers a significant opportunity to deliver projects that will not only benefit the community now but will also have a lasting impact on quality of life for future generations.
The borough has a wealth of outdoor parks and open spaces that support health and wellbeing, and most of the approved projects focus on improving these facilities."

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council paves the way for temporary accommodation to help local families
On 7 November, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s Planning Committee approved a planning application to develop three new homes to house local families who are at risk of homelessness. These new homes will be located alongside Fairview Road, making use of brownfield land and contributing to the borough’s temporary housing availability. Planning Committee papers, 7 November 2024 - pages 23-58.
In recent years, there has been a large rise in demand for temporary accommodation in the borough, which is partly due to the shortage of social housing, very high housing costs associated with living in the South East, and the high cost of private rented accommodation. There is not currently enough temporary accommodation locally to meet these needs, and the shortage is particularly severe for family-sized homes. There are a significant number of families in nightly paid accommodation outside the borough, which is not only very expensive, but can also have a severe negative impact on families’ wellbeing.
Alongside providing life-changing support to local families, these homes will also lead to savings for the council over time. The cost of the development will be offset by the rental income received and a reduction in the need for nightly paid accommodation. The council was successfully awarded funding of £75,000 from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ Brownfield Land Relief Fund, to be invested in this project.
At present the borough has 160 homeless households in temporary accommodation in the borough and more than 90 homeless households in nightly paid accommodation outside the borough. Many of these families may have to wait more than three years before temporary accommodation in the borough becomes available, and even longer before a permanent housing solution can be found for them.
The homes are prefabricated and will be fully furnished. They are designed to be attractive, fitting in with the outlook of the area, and to provide a safe, welcoming and energy-efficient space for three families.
Cllr Clive Woodbridge, Chair of the Community and Wellbeing Committee, said:
“Insufficient housing levels, particularly affordable housing, is a national issue and like many councils across the country we are experiencing extreme demand for temporary accommodation which these homes will help to alleviate.
The wide-ranging negative impact that homelessness brings cannot be underestimated. Epsom & Ewell has proportionately one of the highest numbers of homeless households living in temporary accommodation in England and increasing temporary accommodation provision for local families will not only be life-changing for those being housed now and, in the future, but will have a positive impact on the borough as a whole.”

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council honour armed forces as part of Remembrance Day
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council marked Remembrance Day with memorial services, parades and activities to honour those who died in the service of their country and to give thanks to those past and present from the armed forces. Formal Acts of Remembrance commenced with the annual opening of the Garden of Remembrance at Bourne Hall Park on Wednesday 6 November, giving people the opportunity to take time and reflect.
The Mayor of Epsom & Ewell, the Chief Executive of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council and local schoolchildren officially opened the Garden of Remembrance. Children performed songs and poems and placed poppy tokens to honour and remember all those who have died in the service of their country.
The Royal British Legion kindly donated large poppies that were placed in Epsom High Street, Ewell High Street and Stoneleigh Broadway alongside other poppies placed around the borough.
Other events and activities that also took place included:
- Saturday 9 November 2024
The Mayor of Epsom & Ewell, and Chair of the Royal British Legion carried out many acts of Remembrance around the borough that included thanking poppy sellers at different sites, wreath laying including at the War Memorial in Ashley Road and also joining a Remembrance Day procession that started at the Army Reserve Centre and ended at St Mary's Church in Ewell.
- Remembrance Sunday: 10 November 2024
The Clergy, Mayor, Councillors and the Royal British Legion led a formal procession from the Army Reserve Centre to St Mary’s Church in Ewell, followed by wreath laying and a Remembrance Day service at the monument in the churchyard.
- Armistice Day Service (11/11/11): Monday 11 November 2024
Members of the public joined the Mayor of Epsom & Ewell, Chief Executive of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, elected Councillors, the Royal British Legion, armed forces, veterans and local schools at a ceremony at the Clock Tower in Epsom Market Place. This ended with all observing the national Two Minute Silence at 11am.
Jackie King, Chief Executive of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, said
“This poignant occasion provides us all with the time to reflect and think about those who have served their country, those who have paid the ultimate price with their lives, and those who continue to bravely serve in the armed forces. At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.”

Consultation to review polling districts & places in the borough
On the 21 November we launched a six-week consultation into proposed changes to the polling district and polling places within the borough, fending on 2 January 2025.
In 2023, the Local Government Boundary Commission for England carried out a review of Surrey County Council’s electoral boundaries. The resulting Surrey (Electoral Changes) Order 2024 is anticipated to be passed by parliament and will make changes to the County Council’s electoral division boundaries.
This consultation is proposing changes to Court and Horton wards in order to bring the areas in line with their new County Council electoral division and ensure ballots are placed in the correct ballot box.
There are no proposed changes for any other wards, as issues arising from the Police and Crime Commissioner elections in May were resolved for the Parliamentary elections in July.
Jackie King, Chief Executive of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council said,
"I would like to encourage all residents in the borough to have their say on the proposals in this consultation. It is important to review our polling district and places now to ensure the council is fully prepared for next year’s County Council election and the changes to the electoral divisions.”
The consultation can be accessed via the following link:

Consultation for residents views on proposals to help combat anti-social behaviour
We are calling on the public to take part in our consultation about a proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO). The consultation is open for 8 weeks, from 4 November until 5 January.
PSPOs deal with a particular nuisance or problem in a specific area that is detrimental to the local community’s quality of life, by putting restrictions on how people can use public spaces in that area. They are intended to help ensure that the everyone can use and enjoy public spaces, safe from anti-social behaviour.
The consultation will help shape the future of our alcohol-related PSPO, with the public having a say on whether to renew the existing PSPO and extend its reach through the proposed changes.
Proposed changes include expanding the geographical area the PSPO covers to include the entire borough and, in partnership with Surrey Police, to provide additional community support to help counteract antisocial behaviour in public spaces.
The proposed new prohibitions in the PSPO include:
- Harassing or intimidating residents, businesses or members of the public.
- Threatening any person with violence and/or being verbally abusive towards any person.
- Urinating in an open public place.
- Littering or spitting with the intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person.
- Wearing a piece of clothing with the intent to obscure or hide their identity for the purposes of committing crime and/or anti-social behaviour.
- Acting, or inciting others to act, in an anti-social manner, which is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person.
- Joining or remaining in a group of two or more people, which is acting in a manner that is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person.
- Consumption of alcohol following a verbal warning by an authorised person to stop. An authorised person includes a Police Constable, Police Community Support Officer, a Council Officer, or any other person authorised by the Council.
Councillor Shanice Goldman, Chair of Crime and Disorder Committee said:
“Our council is deeply committed to ensuring that public spaces across the borough are safe and welcoming for everyone. Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) allow police and council staff to address antisocial behaviour effectively, without immediately resorting to arrests.
“We’re seeking feedback from all residents, workers, and visitors to get a clear understanding of whether the proposed changes will better support the police and council in managing antisocial behaviour.
“I really do encourage your participation as your views will help shape our approach to creating safer, more enjoyable spaces for all.”
The consultation survey is available here - Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) Public Consultation

Epsom Marketplace Christmas Lights Switch On event
On Friday 22 November, we enjoyed a great start to the festive season with our fantastic Christmas Lights Switch On in Epsom Market Place.
This year was bigger and better than ever before! Children form 14 schools and another 10 performers including the Epsom Rock Choir, took part. psom & Ewell Town Twinning and Epsom Rotary Club had stalls and there were other charity and food stalls availale; there was also a bright and vibrant fairground!
The highlight of the evening was the Christmas lights being switched on by the Mayor of Epsom & Ewell and the cast of Cinderella, who will be playing at the Epsom Playhouse from Saturday 14 December.
Hope this event helped get you into the festive spirit!
Don't forget to take a look at other festive events and activities taking place at Bourne Hall and Epsom Playhouse:

Council services over the Christmas period
Please note the following information for council services over the Christmas period.
Also, for those who haven't visited Epsom Town Centre for a while, Ashley Centre car park now has an Auto Number Plate Recognition parking system that means car users can drive up to the barrier and enter the car park with their registration being used for identification and payment upon exit.
The Town Hall
- Monday 23 December – 9am-5pm
- Tuesday 24 December - 9am-3pm
- Wednesday 25 December – closed for the bank holiday
- Thursday 26 December – closed for the bank holiday
- Friday 27 December - closed
- Monday 30 December - 9am-5pm
- Tuesday 31 December - 9am-3pm
- Wednesday 1 January - closed for the bank holiday
Normal operating hours resume from Thursday 2 January
Phone calls received outside of opening hours will automatically be redirected to our out-of-hours service.
Waste and Refuse Services
During the Christmas and New Year’s weeks, collections must accommodate the public holidays, and at a time when bins are much fuller than usual. So, some services may not be available as usual, and your normal collection day may change.
All planned changes can be found here: Christmas and New Year collections
- Christmas week: There will be no green recycling bin collections during Christmas week. Please leave out food, refuse and glass out only. During Christmas week, collection days may change. Please check the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council website for recycling and food bin collection days during Christmas week.
- New Year’s week: Normal refuse collections start again in New Year's week. However collection days may change. Please check the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council website for collection days during New Year’s week.
- As usual, there will be no garden waste or bulky waste collections during Christmas or New Year's weeks. Normal garden waste and bulky waste collection schedules resume week commencing Monday 6 January.
Before Christmas, a label will be placed on resident’s bin handles with collection details for the festive period. If you are an Epsom & Ewell resident, please do look out for this reminder about how services will be changing in your road over Christmas and New Year’s weeks.
Community and Wellbeing Centre, including the Dementia Hub
- Monday 23 December – Normal operating hours
- Tuesday 24 December - Centre operating as normal – Dementia Hub offering no afternoon classes – all clients advised in advance
- Wednesday 25 December – Closed for the bank holiday
- Thursday 26 December – Closed for the bank holiday
- Friday 27 December – closed - clients and members advised in advance
- Monday 30 December - Normal operating hours
- Tuesday 31 December – Centre operating as normal – Dementia Hub offering no afternoon classes – all clients advised in advance
- Wednesday 1 January – Closed for the bank holiday
Normal operating hours resume Thursday 2 January.
Meals at home & shopping service
- Monday 23 December – Normal service
- Tuesday 24 December – Normal service
- Wednesday 25 December – closed for the bank holiday – frozen meals provided & shopping delivered in advance, if required
- Thursday 26 December – closed for the bank holiday – frozen meals provided & shopping delivered in advance, if required
- Friday 27 December - closed – frozen meals provided & shopping delivered in advance, if required
- Monday 30 December – Normal service
- Tuesday 31 December – Normal service
- Wednesday 1 January – closed for the bank holiday – frozen meals provided & shopping delivered in advance, if required
Normal operating hours resume Thursday 2 January.
Telecare/ community alarm
- Tuesday 24 December – Limited appointments available for new service users – normal out of hours monitoring/equipment fault service available
- Wednesday 25 December – closed for the bank holiday – normal out of hours monitoring/equipment fault service available
- Thursday 26 December – closed for the bank holiday – normal out of hours monitoring/equipment fault service available
- Friday 27 December – closed – normal out of hours monitoring/equipment fault service available
- Monday 30 December – Normal operating hours
- Tuesday 31 December – Limited appointments available for new service users – normal out of hours monitoring/equipment fault service available
- Wednesday 1 January – closed for the bank holiday – normal out of hours monitoring/equipment fault service available
Normal operating hours resume Thursday 2 January.
* The usual out-of-hours monitoring/equipment fault service is available.
Transport from home
- Monday 23 December – Normal operating hours
- Tuesday 24 December – Reduced service – advance bookings only
- Wednesday 25 December – Closed for the bank holiday
- Thursday 26 December – Closed for the bank holiday
- Friday 27 December – Closed – service users made aware
- Monday 30 December – Normal operating hours
- Tuesday 31 December – Reduced service – advance bookings only
- Wednesday 1 January – Closed for the bank holiday
Normal operating hours resume Thursday 2 January.
Bourne Hall
- Monday 23 December – 9am - 5pm
- Tuesday 24 December – 9am - 1pm
- Wednesday 25 December – CLOSED
- Thursday 26 December – CLOSED
- Friday 27 December - CLOSED
- Monday 30 December – 9am - 5pm
- Tuesday 31 December – 9am - 5pm
- Wednesday 1 January – CLOSED
Normal operating hours resume Thursday 2 January
Epsom Playhouse
Epsom Playhouse is closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Find information about performances and how to book tickets on the Playhouse website: Epsom Playhouse(link is external).

Volunteers helping biodiversity in Horton Country Park

Thanks to the volunteers who answered our Countryside team’s call for help at the Horton Country Park Local Nature Reserve on 9 November!
Nine volunteers, including 3 from the Friends of Horton Country Park, helped to plant 3 apple trees and 1 greengage tree - one of which is a memorial tree for David Anderson who ran Equus, the Equestrian Centre, in Horton Country Park. Scrub was also cleared away that was invading the orchard and smothering some of the smaller trees.
tasks are planned in the new year.
Click here to learn how we support biodiversity across Epsom and Ewell.
Free Boiler Upgrade
Earlier this year, in partnership with Action Surrey, we launched a free boiler upgrade scheme for residents who meet the following criteria:
- Are a resident in Epsom and Ewell
- Are the owner occupier of a property with a gas boiler
- Are on means-tested benefits or low income
- Live in a property with an EPC rating of D – G, and
- Have a broken or end of life boiler over ten years old.
If you meet the criteria and would like to register an interest in the scheme, please contact Action Surrey by calling 0800 783 2503 or visit Epsom and Ewell Boiler Upgrade Grant - Action Surrey
Bourne Hall Christmas festivities
Bourne Hall is hosting a range of festive celebrations, kicking off at 2pm on 30 November with the Christmas Lights Switch On including Ewell Grove players hosting a special community panto ‘A-Lad-In Ewell’, raising money for the Epsom & Ewell Foodbank. There will also be bookable wreath-making workshops from 2pm – 4pm and you can enjoy an array of market stalls with mulled wine, live music, carol singing from Heart & Soul Choir, and more from 4pm – 7pm.
The Mayor of Epsom & Ewell, Councillor Steve Bridger, will Switch the Bourne Hall Christmas Lights on at 4.30pm. Visitors can also meet Cinderella and Buttons from the upcoming Epsom Playhouse pantomime, and Father Christmas will even be flying in especially for the day to open the Christmas grotto, and will return every Saturday up until Christmas.
The Christmas Grotto is open Monday to Saturday every day until Christmas to post a letter to Father Christmas. Then why not pause for a moment to enjoy a hot drink and a delicious home-made cake chosen from the festive menu in the Flying Saucer Café?
A wreath-making workshop will be taking place on Saturday 7 December from 4pm - 6pm and you can enjoy live music from Andrew and Allan's Electric 80s on Saturday 14 December, as well as a Christmas magic show on Saturday 21 December.
Councillor Clive Woodbridge, Chair of the Community & Wellbeing Committee, said:
“Bourne Hall is a fantastic meeting place and it’s great to see so many people in the local community working together to bring us these celebrations this year.
The community panto promises a smashing start to the festive season and Bourne Hall is so pleased to welcome back Andrew and Allen’s Electric 80s night which is great fun and the perfect opportunity to dance!
With a free Christmas Grotto and Christmas Lights Switch On, as well as the opportunity to buy tickets to the Electric 80s night and the Christmas Magic Show, there is something for everyone at Bourne Hall this Christmas."
More information on the Bourne Hall Christmas Lights Switch On.
Saturday 30 November, 4pm – 7pm. Free event.
- A day of festive fun including the community panto, ‘A-Lad-In Ewell’ at 2pm and 5pm.
- 4.30pm: The Mayor of Epsom & Ewell and Father Christmas switch on the Christmas lights at Bourne Hall.
To book ‘A-Lad-in-Ewell’ visit the links below:
2pm show: is external)
5pm show: is external)
Click here for more information on all Bourne Hall events, including any booking details.

Jobs at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
We're recruiting.
We are looking for an enthusiastic, confident and experienced individual to join our busy and friendly environmental health team. You will primarily be focused on food safety and your role will include carrying out inspections, investigating complaints and reporting. The successful candidate will need to meet the minimum competency requirements laid down in the Food Law Code of Practice, however we will still consider strong candidates who can demonstrate they can meet these requirements in a short timeframe.
Find out more about the role here: Environmental Health Officer
We are looking for an enthusiastic, passionate, and friendly individual to join our Community Services team.
The role of the Casual Community Services Driver Operative is to support the team by helping deliver Meals at Home and transport residents on our Transport from Home service on an ad-hoc basis.
Find out more about the role here: Community Services Driver Operative
The Epsom Playhouse, situated in Epsom town centre, is a receiving house comprising a 450-seat main auditorium and an 80-seat studio.
We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated Theatre House Manager to deliver a first-class service to our customers and ensure the positive reputation of the Theatre. You will be part of the Playhouse Team ensuring performances and building operations run smoothly and are delivered to a high standard.
Find out more about the role here: Casual Theatre House Manager
Our small but ambitious authority offers you the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of varied and interesting work. That, together with an enviable array of staff benefits and a rewarding and challenging career, is our unique offer to y
If you have the passion and the drive to make a real difference, we really want to hear from you. View a list of all current vacancies at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council.
At Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, we are passionate about maintaining an inclusive workplace for all that reflects the communities we serve. We welcome applications from all sections of our community particularly from underrepresented backgrounds, including BAME, LGBTQ+ and those with hidden or visible disabilities.
We are committed to ensuring all our staff – regardless of gender, age, religion, sexuality, ethnicity or disability – can thrive and succeed whilst working with us.

What's On
What's on in Epsom & Ewell
Find out what's happening in Epsom & Ewell
Find out what's happening in Epsom & Ewell in the coming months; take a look at the events page on the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council website.
Here are a few highlights:
Join in the festivities with market stalls to browse, mulled wine to sample and live music including carol singers. Santa Claus will also open our Christmas Grotto, returning every Saturday until Christmas. You can also book a place at either of the A-lad-in Ewell Pantos - click here to book 2pm and click here to book 5pm.
Saturday 30 November
4pm to 7pm
Bourne Hall, Spring Street, Ewell, KT17 1UF
Enjoy this beautiful setting for a magical evening of seasonal festivities with musical performances from solo artists, duets, groups and local choirs - a fundraising event in aid of Age Concern Epsom & Ewell. You can also enjoy some seasonal treats in the festive hall next door.
Friday 6 December
7pm to 10pm
Christ Church, Epsom Common, Christ Church Road, Epsom, KT19 8NE
Take part in an afternoon of festive crafting where you'll make a Christmas wreath using evergreens, berries and seasonal botanicals - you'll be guided step by step and all materials will be provided. Perfect for beginners and crafting enthusiasts alike!
Saturday 7 December
4pm to 6pm
Bourne Hall, Spring Street, Ewell, KT17 1UF
Adapted for radio by Anthony E. Palermo form Frank Capra's 1946 film, this American holiday classic, about dreams, sacrifice and redemption in small town America, comes to life as a live 1940s radio broadcast.
Thursday 19 & Friday 20 December - start time at 7.45pm
Saturday 21 December - start times at 1pm and 5pm
theCornerHOUSE community arts centre
Ebbisham Sports Club are running a one-day camp. This is an ideal introduction to a variety of sports for those aged 7-14 years old, and will help children learn new sports skills, make friends and grow their confidence.
Monday 23 December
9pm to 5pm
Pound Lane, Eastway, Epsom, KT19 8SG

Epsom Playhouse - December 2024
See what's on at Epsom Playhouse
Markets in Epsom & Ewell
Epsom Markets

Regular markets in Epsom Marketplace take place on Thursday and Saturday.
For information on the weekly markets at Epsom Marketplace take a look here: Epsom & Ewell markets
Artisan Market - NOW IN BOURNE HALL
Come along to see a gorgeous selection of wooden children's toys, handmade jewellery, local honey and jams and lots more.
First Saturday of the month, 10am - 3pm.
Farmer's Market - Epsom Marketplace
This market usually takes place on the first Sunday of the month.
9.30am - 1.30pm.
Find out more at

Explore Epsom and Ewell
Get closer to nature and enjoy the outdoors with our various guided walks. Explore local nature reserves, discover your borough's history and boost your health and wellbeing too.
Visit the walks page on our website to discover a range of walks that take place across Epsom and Ewell.
Epsom & Ewell also has several beautiful open spaces which are great for cycling, including Epsom Downs, Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve, Nonsuch Park, Hogsmill Local Nature Reserve, and Horton Country Park Local Nature Reserve. You can find cycling routes for all these places on our website.
ECA supports the preservation and protection of Epsom Common local nature reserve and site of special scientific interest. ECA works in partnership with the Council, the Lower Mole Countryside Management Project and English Nature to contribute to the long term management and conservation of the Common.
Nature walks
ECA organises a number of walks on the Common each year which are led by local natural history experts. The subjects that are usually covered each year include birds in early spring, wildflowers, butterflies, invertebrates particularly bush crickets, bats and fungi.
The EcoVols
If you care about the Common and enjoy its wildlife and beauty why not join the EcoVols, the volunteer group of the ECA. EcoVols carry out a variety of conservation projects on the Common throughout the year in association with English Nature, the Council and the Lower Mole Countryside Management Project. You don’t need any special skills or experience just your enthusiasm and time! For more info and the 2020 EcoVols programme see: Conservation on Epsom Common