Borough Insight

This Issue

Welcome to E-Borough Insight

Introduction to the August edition of E-Borough Insight, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council's monthly newsletter.


Welcome to the September edition of E-Borough Insight, your email newsletter from Epsom & Ewell Borough Council.  

We continue striving to do our best for residents. Our vision for the borough took a major step forward with the approval of the Epsom Town Centre Masterplan and endorsement of the Epsom & Ewell Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. 

Relationships with partners play a vital role in helping to support our community. Over 65 people joined our Walk & Talk event held on World Suicide Prevention Day at Epsom Downs Racecourse, receiving mental health guidance and hearing about experiences, from We Power On, End Stigma Surrey and the Samaritans.  Our Housing team's Landlords Forum welcomed over 25 landlords for them to ask a variety of questions from council officers, National Residential Landlord's Association, the Department of Work and Pensions, Environmental Health and Action Surrey that could ultimately have a positive impact for those looking for homes. 

We have also released our 2023/2024 Annual report, containing information about our achievements through what has been a challenging period not only for Epsom & Ewell but also for local authorities across the country. We're proud to continue delivering high quality services and will continue to do our best to help you feel proud of your borough.

Thanks for your continuing support and please do keep up-to-date with our work; let us know what you think: follow us on social media, on Facebook, Instagram and Nextdoor @EpsomEwellBC


Epsom & Ewell Borough Council approves publication of the Epsom Town Centre Masterplan

On 24 September, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s Licensing and Planning Policy Committee approved the Epsom Town Centre Masterplan. The Masterplan sets out clear and comprehensive guidelines for the development of Epsom Town Centre. The Committee also endorsed the Epsom & Ewell Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan that aims to increase walking, wheeling and cycling across the borough. Together, the plans feed into the vision of the borough and form part of the evidence base for the borough’s Draft Local Plan.

A combined total of 2,182 fed into the two public consultations for the Town Centre Masterplan, highlighting interests, attachments and aspirations.

Epsom Town Centre Masterplan
The Masterplan sets out a vision to make Epsom Town Centre a place that attracts, connects and inspires people, with a strong sense of community, commerce and creativity. Climate change is the cornerstone of the Masterplan with a comprehensive approach to transport, low carbon development, green infrastructure and health. The Masterplan also identifies site locations where regeneration and improvements could take place, subject to planning permission being granted.

Epsom & Ewell Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan
The Plan aims to provide a safe, attractive and convenient infrastructure to encourage residents, visitors and workers to walk, wheel and cycle. Plans include expanding the existing network and improving connectivity to key destinations within the borough.

Cllr Peter O’Donovan, Chair of the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee said:

“The Town Centre Masterplan and Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan provide Epsom & Ewell with a fantastic opportunity to bring wide ranging benefits to our community.

Our lifestyles and working patterns have changed dramatically over the last few years, especially since COVID-19, and I’m proud that these plans allow us to strategically improve areas for residents to enjoy, and help us to provide solutions for broader issues that we, as a borough, face including housing and climate change, which is at the heart of the Masterplan and supports the transition towards zero-carbon transport throughout the borough. The Masterplan will also help in the process of assessing planning applications.

Thanks to residents for taking part in the public consultations and feeding into our vision for the borough. We want our community and visitors to be proud of Epsom & Ewell and through these plans, we are in a position to deliver!”

Image: Icon Effective Council

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council publishes its 2023/24 Annual Report

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council has published its 2023/24 Annual Report which shows the progress the council has made over the last financial year, delivering on strategic priorities whilst providing high-quality statutory services for residents and businesses in Epsom & Ewell. The report provides an overview of services including Planning, Housing, Waste & Recycling, updates on strategic priorities including the council’s Climate Change Pledge, Community & Wellbeing projects, its Arts, Culture & Heritage Strategy, and information on the council’s finances.

Jackie King, Chief Executive of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, said:

“I am incredibly proud to share Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s Annual Report for 2023/24 which outlines the fantastic work the council has delivered over the last financial year. In challenging times, our 35 Councillors, and workforce of more than 280 officers take pride in delivering high-quality services to around 80,000 residents and 3,700 businesses across the borough. 

As the report shows, we are in a good position to meet any challenges the future may bring and I look forward to continuing to deliver the council’s strategic priorities, whilst supporting our residents to the best of our ability in the year ahead.”    

Epsom & Ewell’s Annual Report can be viewed here: Epsom & Ewell Annual Report 2023/24 | Epsom and Ewell Borough Council

Printed copies are available to view at both the Town Hall in Epsom and Bourne Hall(link is external) in Ewell.

Image: Icon Effective Council

Landlords' Forum supporting housing pressures

On 23 September, we held a well attended Landlords' Forum with over 25 landlords joining discussions and receiving updates and information that will support those in our community trying to secure accommodation.

The National Residential Landlord’s Association discussed legislative changes and licensing requirements, and representatives from the Department of Work and Pensions provided updates on Universal Credit and other related payments. Environmental Health and Action Surrey gave information on how landlords could improve their EPC rating.

The Council talked about ways in which landlords could help to support households who are trying to secure accommodation, through:

  • The Private Sector Leasing Scheme, whereby the council leases a property for between three and five years from a private landlord for use as temporary accommodation.
  • The Rent Deposit Scheme, whereby the council supports residents with rental deposits and guarantees to help them access accommodation that would otherwise be unaffordable.

Councillor Clive Woodbridge, Chair of the Community and Wellbeing Committee, said:

“Lack of housing is an issue that affects councils across the country, including Epsom & Ewell Borough Council. Our housing team work regularly with private landlords to ensure families in need can be housed in the local area.

“The Landlords’ Forum is opportunity to nurture existing relationships with landlords, make connections with new landlords who are not aware of the services and help the council can offer, and enable networking with the National Residential Landlord’s Association and Department of Work and Pensions.”

Image: Icon Effective Council

Wildlife community mural in Epsom Square

Our Arts, Culture and Heritage team is continuing to help improve the aesthetics of the borough, working with various partners and organisations to produce community murals.

A new community mural can be found wrapped around the foundation pillars of Epsom Square! This vibrant large-scale artwork celebrates the natural beauty of our borough's native wildlife and flowers and was created just a few weeks ago. This mural is near to the community mural showing influential women of Epsom and Ewell.

Delivery of this project came via the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and seeks to build local pride in our borough and increase access to creative practices for members of our community.

Thanks to Positive Arts UK and Epsom Picturehouse for their support on this project.

Keep an eye on our social media channels to stay informed about this and other community murals that are planned around the borough. You'll find us on Facebook, X and Instagram @EpsomEwellBC and on Nextdoor.

Image: Icon Cultural and creative

Bringing residents & partners together on World Suicide Prevention Day

On 10th September, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council hosted a Walk & Talk event at Epsom Downs Racecourse to mark World Suicide Prevention Day. Over 65 people, including residents and representatives from voluntary and statutory organisations, joined this insightful, moving and inspirational event, developed and delivered as part of the council’s Suicide Prevention Action Plan, produced in January 2024.

Chris Waller, founder of We Power On, led the walk around Epsom Downs. Dale Millar MBE from the Samaritans opened the second part of the evening talking about skills used in conversation and the impactful nature that this can have. Joe Stroud from End Stigma Surrey talked about the negative impact that silence can have and how we, as a community, can stand together to break the chains of stigma around mental health. And finally, Chris shared his own experiences including the importance of being able to talk openly. Cllr Clive Woodbridge, the Chair of the Council’s Community and Wellbeing Committee, also joined him to discuss his journey from crisis to hope.

Take a look at what was discussed at the event on illustrated boards displayed in locations around Epsom & Ewell in September

Local scribe, Annalees Lim, brilliantly captured what was discussed at the event on illustrative boards. These are being shown at a number of locations around the borough, finishing at Epsom Picturehouse around 10th October, to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Day. Check our social media posts for regular updates on where you can see the designs.

Councillor Clive Woodbridge, Chair of the Community and Wellbeing Committee said: “I’m proud that through our Suicide Prevention Action Plan, we’ve been able to provide a platform for residents and organisations to come together and have conversations about mental health and suicide, and also raise awareness of where support and resources can be found for those suffering from mental health issues or directly impacted by the loss of someone to suicide.

"A huge thank you to We Power On, Epsom Downs Racecourse, End Stigma Surrey, the Samaritans and to the scribe who captured messages at the event. Thanks also to everyone who volunteered their time at the event. Without the support of all the volunteers and supporting organisations, this event would not have been possible. We look forward to continuing building on these relationships for the benefit of those who need our help the most.

"As Chris himself said, “there is hope, and there is help out there”.

Funding was allocated by the council from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to We Power On to help residents access support in the borough. Chris, founder of the organisation, led the walk for adults aged 18 and above.

For more information on some of the mental health support and resources available across Epsom & Ewell -

Dementia Hub providing specialist respite care

Our Dementia Hub team provides specialist and half-day respite care for people aged 50+ living with memory loss, confusion or dementia, all in a supportive, safe, friendly and home-from-home environment.

If you are caring for someone with dementia, please do remember that being able to take a break can also help you to give the best care that you can.

Our specialist team run a programme of activities and therapies to help improve quality of life helping to combat feelings of isolation, loneliness and depression. These include tea and coffee time, communication therapy, games, arts and music to name but a few. 

Art therapy can help people living with memory loss to cope with the emotional impact of their illness as well as improving their quality of life, and in August we were able to offer a new art therapy class at the Dementia Hub – Arts 4 Dementia. This was thanks to Arts, Crafts and Heritage funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

In response to this new art therapy class, Councillor Clive Woodbridge said:
“We want to have a positive impact on the lives of everyone in our community. This class is a great example of how inspirational art can be. Thanks to Creative Minds and the team and I look forward to seeing more classes rolled out throughout the year.”
The full programme of activities can be found here - Dementia Hub Activities | Epsom and Ewell Borough Council (
To find out more about the specialist respite care available - Dementia Hub | Epsom and Ewell Borough Council (

Update your details & continue to vote - Annual Canvass 2024

A picture of a number of icons.

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council is currently conducting its annual canvass.

Every year, the council is legally required to contact each household in the borough to find out if there have been any changes to who is eligible to be registered to vote at each address.

Residents will receive one or more of the below:

  • A confirmation letter on green paper sent by post. Residents will be asked to check the names of people living at their address. A response is only needed if there is a change or update to the information printed on the letter.
  • A canvass form sent on yellow paper by post. This form will ask the resident to confirm who is currently eligible to vote in their household. By law, a response must be provided to this form.
  • An email communication. Residents who have previously provided an email address to Electoral Services may get a communication asking them to check the details for their address.

How to respond

To confirm or update the details for a household:

  • Visit On the login page, please enter both parts of the security code that is on the letter, canvass form or email you have received.
  • If there are no changes, residents can also respond by calling 0800 884 0701.

If any resident is asked to respond to a canvass communication and doesn’t, we will make other attempts to get a response which may include reminder forms, a telephone call or a visit to the property, so please respond as soon as you receive the information request from us.

If any resident has any questions about how to respond to the letter, form or email, please email

Image: Icon Effective Council

Epsom & Ewell Local Plan - what you need to know

Clock tower face Epsom square

If you have any queries in relation to our Local Plan then please visit the FAQ area of our website to give the public as much information as possible about the development of the borough’s Local Plan.

The Local Plan is a critical document in shaping the future of the borough. It covers a wide range of issues from creating jobs, environmental protection and leisure development, to sites for new homes and much-needed infrastructure improvements.

We are following the government’s framework for developing a Local Plan, and no decisions have been made on policy wording or site selection for the Local Plan at this stage. We are currently reviewing feedback received during the public consultation on the first draft of the Plan, and gathering further detailed evidence to help develop the Plan.

Once the evidence base is developed and complete, a recommendation will come to the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee (LPPC) on a proposed Plan that will include site allocations. LPPC will then make a recommendation to Full Council, and it is only at this stage that a council decision on the Local Plan will be made, which will then go forward to another six-week public consultation. This is expected to be in early 2025. The next version of the Local Plan will include a consultation statement which provides a summary of the main issues raised during the Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) consultation, and how they have been taken into account.

The Local Plan FAQs can be found on our website at:

Members of the public can sign up to receive an alert for future consultations by completing the form at

Image: Icon Effective Council

Jobs at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council

We're recruiting.

Receptionist - Bourne Hall

We are looking for an enthusiastic, positive and motivated person to join our Events team at Bourne Hall.

You'll be able to provide a first-class service to hirers, users, tenants and members of the public, as well as manage our online presence including developing and delivering our online presence such as social media and our website pages.

Find out more about the role here: Bourne Hall Receptionist

Events Co-ordinator - Bourne Hall

We are a friendly employer with an opening for an enthusiastic, positive and motivated person to lead our Events team at Bourne Hall.

You will lead the Events team ensuring meetings, functions and day-to-day building operations run smoothly and are delivered to a high standard. You should have excellent interpersonal and communication skills and be able to build and maintain customer loyalty, support our commercial viability and social responsibility.

Find out more about the role here: Bourne Hall Events Co-ordinator

Events Assistant - Bourne Hall

We are looking for an enthusiastic, bubbly, positive person to join our Events team at Bourne Hall. 

The focus of this role will be to support the event coordinators, and you will coordinate events from start to finish. You will be able to work on your own initiative, be able to prioritise and have excellent verbal communication and people skills. Previous experience with booking systems, delivery of meetings and a knowledge of AV are desirable, however full training will be provided.

Find out more about the role here: Events Assistant

Casual Bartenders - The Playhouse

The council is seeking to appoint enthusiastic people to work behind the bar at Epsom Playhouse.

You will be a motivated team player with excellent communication skills who prides themselves on providing a high level of service to customers. You will be self-motivated with the ability to work on your own initiative, and be willing to work flexible hours as and when requested, including weekends and public holidays.

If this sounds like you and you have a few spare hours, come and join our friendly team.

Find out more about the role here: Casual Bartender

Our small but ambitious authority offers you the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of varied and interesting work. That, together with an enviable array of staff benefits and a rewarding and challenging career, is our unique offer to y

If you have the passion and the drive to make a real difference, we really want to hear from you. View a list of all current vacancies at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council

At Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, we are passionate about maintaining an inclusive workplace for all that reflects the communities we serve. We welcome applications from all sections of our community particularly from underrepresented backgrounds, including BAME, LGBTQ+ and those with hidden or visible disabilities.

We are committed to ensuring all our staff – regardless of gender, age, religion, sexuality, ethnicity or disability – can thrive and succeed whilst working with us.

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Spotlight on

Together, we make a difference - Sarah from our Countryside team

Sarah is a Senior Countryside Officer within Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s Countryside Team. She has worked at the council for nearly 23 years. Collaborative working plays an important part in being able to provide safe and biodiverse green spaces for our residents, and visitors. Never has this been more keenly demonstrated than through the Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve (LNR) achieving the Green Flag Award, an international quality mark, for an amazing 18th consecutive year.

Working with partners and volunteers helped us to meet the ‘Welcoming Place’ criteria for the award, ensuring Epsom Common LNR is healthy, safe & secure; clean & well maintained; and sustainable with signposts, benches and other furniture sourced and produced locally.

We work alongside the Epsom Common Association and an amazing volunteer workforce that includes EcoVols (volunteer arm of the Epsom Common Association) who regularly lead conservation tasks, The Countryside team volunteers and Lower Mole Partnership volunteers.

"Green spaces are for everybody to enjoy, and it’s great being part of such a passionate team that works hard to make this a reality. Our strong relationships with partners and volunteers enable us to manage biodiversity, improve public access and enhance visitor experiences within our local nature reserves.

Ultimately our aim is to provide residents with habitats and areas they be proud of."

Our countryside walks are designed to help residents and visitors explore - click here to see What's On.

Image: Icon Effective Council

What's On

What's on in Epsom & Ewell

Find out what's happening in Epsom & Ewell

Find out what's happening in Epsom & Ewell in the coming months; take a look at the events page on the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council website. 

Musicians of City of Freemen's School

This is the first in the new season of Music at St Martin's Church afternoon concerns with some of this local school's most talented musicians performing a wide range of old and new works. Donations are appreciated.

Saturday 28 September
Epsom KT17 4PX
Free entry

Art Surrey's Art Fair

Curated by Art Surrey, Caiger Art including established and emerging independent artists, art lovers and collectors can browse and purchase over 3000 artworks including paintings, digital art, photography, sculpture, glassworks and ceramics, prices ranging from £50 to over £3,000.

Saturday 5 October, 11am-5pm / Sunday 6 October, 11am-5pm
The Duchess Stand, Epsom Racecourse 
£5 in advance/£7.50 on the door; children under 16 free at weekends; senior concession tickets £5 on the door

Friday 4 October - Pre-event
Ahead of Art Surrey’s Art Fair event over the weekend, Art Surrey is hosting a Preview Evening. Visitors will be the first to view the collection, the ticket includes complimentary fizz and unlimited weekend entry.
The Duchess Stand, Epsom Racecourse 
£10 in advance/£15 on the door

Ewell Halloween Walk

Discover the darker side of Ewell's history with a guided tour around its historic heart including graveyards and crime scenes and ghostly tales. Two separate events are being held on 29 and 31 October. Numbers are limited, so reserve your place early.

Tuesday 29 October
Walks at 3pm, 5.30pm and 8pm (1.5 hours each)
Meet at Bourne Hall Entrance
£6 per person (reservations only)

Epsom Halloween Walk

Take part in a Halloween walk in Epsom, visiting flats, pubs, old houses including Epsom's most haunted house, and meet the matchstick ghost and other ghostly characters from the past. Numbers are limited, so reserve your place early.

Wednesday 30 October
Walks at 3pm, 5.30pm and 8pm (1.5 hours each)
Meet opposite the Epsom fire station
£6 per person

Image: Icon Cultural and creative

Epsom Playhouse - September 2024

See what's on at Epsom Playhouse
Find out what's coming up at the Epsom Playhouse below.
For the latest and most up-to-date list, please visit the Epsom Playhouse website.
    • Dom Joly: The Conspiracy Tour

      Thursday 3 October 2024

      Dom has been travelling around the globe again? Listen to his hilarious, fascinating and slightly anarchic guide to the wacky world of conspiracies. Is the earth flat? Does Finland exist? ;) 
    • The Counterfeit Stones - It's Phoney Rock 'n' Roll

      Saturday 5 October 2024

      Swing along to, not just a tribute band, but a joyful re-enactment! The show is essentially a mockumentary of the Rolling Stones' colourful history from 1962 and described as a masterpiece in 'fraud rock and hookey nostalgia'. 

    • Close Up Magic

      Saturday 12 October 2024

      Experience our long-running and popular evening of magic, close up! Magicians from The Magic Circle will amaze and entertain you and audiences can even take part themselves!

    • Beyond The Barricade 25 Years

      Thursday 17 October 2024

      This is the UK's longest running Musical Theatre Concert Tour. Join the cast for two hours of the best Broadway and West End songs, from The Phantom of the Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, The Lion King, Hamilton and many more.

    • Club 80s: The Ultimate 80s Party

      Friday 19 October 2024

      This show will take you on a rollercoaster ride back through one of the greatest eras of music, including hits from Cyndi Lauper, Culture club, Erasure, Wham, Deacon Blue and many more! 
    • Epsom Symphony Orchestra: Autumn Classics

      Saturday 19 October 2024

      The Orchestra presents 'Autumn Classics' under the baton of musical director, Darrell Davison, opening with a joyful overture to Smetana's comic opera, The Bartered Bride. Local soloist, Dan Brandon, also sings the Dvorak Cello Concerto.

      Image: Icon Cultural and creative

      Markets in Epsom & Ewell

      Epsom Markets

      Epsom Market 2022 iStock

      Regular markets in Epsom Marketplace take place on Thursday and Saturday.
      For information on the weekly markets at Epsom Marketplace take a look here: Epsom & Ewell markets

      Artisan Market - NOW IN BOURNE HALL 
      Come along to see a gorgeous selection of wooden children's toys, handmade jewellery, local honey and jams and lots more. 
      First Saturday of the month, 10am - 3pm. 

      Bourne Hall Pre-loved Clothes Market (formerly known as Cash in the Wardrobe) - Bourne Hall. 
      A market for pre-loved and vintage clothes and accessories, taking place on the third Saturday of the month.
      10am - 2pm.

      Farmer's Market - Epsom Marketplace
      This market usually takes place on the first Sunday of the month.
      9.30am - 1.30pm.
      Find out more at

      Explore Epsom and Ewell

      Get closer to nature and enjoy the outdoors with our various guided walks. Explore local nature reserves, discover your borough's history and boost your health and wellbeing too.

      Visit the walks page on our website to discover a range of walks that take place across Epsom and Ewell.  

      Epsom & Ewell also has several beautiful open spaces which are great for cycling, including Epsom Downs, Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve, Nonsuch Park, Hogsmill Local Nature Reserve, and Horton Country Park Local Nature Reserve. You can find cycling routes for all these places on our website.

      Epsom Common Association (ECA)

      ECA supports the preservation and protection of Epsom Common local nature reserve and site of special scientific interest. ECA works in partnership with the Council, the Lower Mole Countryside Management Project and English Nature to contribute to the long term management and conservation of the Common.

      Nature walks
      ECA organises a number of walks on the Common each year which are led by local natural history experts. The subjects that are usually covered each year include birds in early spring, wildflowers, butterflies, invertebrates particularly bush crickets, bats and fungi. 

      The EcoVols
      If you care about the Common and enjoy its wildlife and beauty why not join the EcoVols, the volunteer group of the ECA. EcoVols carry out a variety of conservation projects on the Common throughout the year in association with English Nature, the Council and the Lower Mole Countryside Management Project. You don’t need any special skills or experience just your enthusiasm and time! For more info and the 2020 EcoVols programme see: Conservation on Epsom Common

      Image: Green & vibrant icon

      Your Council

      Future council meetings

        The following meetings of the Council will be held in the coming months.


          The agendas, reports and details on how to view the council meetings are published seven days before the relevant meeting on the website links above.

          Meeting dates are subject to change. When looking for details of a particular meeting, please contact the relevant officer to confirm that the meeting is going ahead as scheduled.

          The calendar of Council meetings can be found here:

          You can subscribe to updates in order to receive information via e-mail regarding arrangements for particular committee meetings.

          Image: Icon Effective Council

          Community Notice Boards

          There are community notice boards, known as Borough Boards, in various locations across Epsom & Ewell. The Boards are for local community use and form a vital information point for those who are not online.  They are used for timely information and events; they are not used to advertise businesses. 

          Submitting a poster

          If you have a poster you would like placing on the boards, please email with an electronic copy of the poster, so the team can double check it is appropriate for the boards. Once the team have confirmed the poster is suitable, please print and deliver 25 posters (one for each board) into the postbox outside the main entrance at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Town Hall, clearly marked ‘Borough Boards’, or ask your Ward Councillor to do so on your behalf.

          Please submit your posters as far in advance as possible, to allow plenty of time for posters to be checked and put up on the boards.

          Content Rules

          Posters should advertise timely local information and events. The following will not be accepted:

          • Overt advertising of businesses or services
          • Any discriminatory language or suggestions, including hate speech and profanities in the text or via images
          • Promoting a religious cause only, with no event or activity taking place
          • Any political inferences.

          Poster content should be easy for everyone to read and respond to. All posters must:

          • Be a maximum of A4 in size
          • Consider accessibility - they should be easy to read, in colours that are contrasting and not using fonts that may be tricky for those with visual impairments to read
          • Posters should include a working phone number wherever possible.  A poster that only points to a website / email for more information will not serve those members of the community who are not online.

          We reserve the right to select which posters can be featured. 

          We will insert posters that meet the content rules above on a first submitted, first served basis, until all the spaces are allocated, and to remove any that are out of date in a timely manner.

          Image: Icon Effective Council

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