Landlords can now sign up to Private Sector Leasing Scheme
We are looking for landlords of three-, four- and five-bedroom houses to sign up to the Private Sector Leasing Scheme.
The Private Sector Leasing Scheme allows us to assist local families in housing need, while reducing the risks and hassle of renting for landlords.
We will lease and manage properties for a period of three to five years. Landlords will be guaranteed rent, with six months being paid in advance. During the tenancy, the council will carry out any minor repairs up to the value of £500 per year and ensure the property is returned to landlords in the same condition as when the agreement started.
Landlords who lease their properties under the scheme will enjoy the following benefits:
- no inventory or inspection costs
- no letting agent or management fees
- no need to register deposits with a tenancy deposit scheme
- a single point of contact within the council
- Right to Rent checks carried out by the council
- an option for routine and major repairs to be dealt with on the landlords’ behalf for a fee.
Councillor Clive Woodbridge, Chair of the Community and Wellbeing Committee, said,
“We are all aware of the housing crisis that is affecting cities and towns across the country, and Epsom & Ewell is no different. It is a priority for the Council that we can provide good quality temporary housing for families in the local area.
“If landlords sign up to our Private Sector Leasing Scheme, it enables us to house local families within the community and minimises the disruption to their home life, work and school at what can be an already stressful time.
“The scheme is also good value for landlords and is relatively low risk when compared with letting the property on the open market.”
Landlord Lee Wiffen said,
“I cannot praise the Epsom & Ewell Private Sector Leasing Scheme enough. In my six years letting my property through the scheme, the professionalism of the team in the housing department is first class.
“The security of having great tenants and regular on-time rent payments, means I would not look any further, as a landlord, when looking to rent a property than the Epsom & Ewell Private Sector Leasing Scheme”
Full details of the scheme can be found in our PSL landlord information pack and PSL landlord application form.