Borough Insight

This Issue

Welcome to E-Borough Insight

Introduction to the June edition of Eborough Insight, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council's monthly newsletter


Welcome to the June edition of E-Borough Insight, your email newsletter from Epsom & Ewell Borough Council.  

And so it begins! Jackie King, CEO of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council and Acting Returning Officer recently received the formal Parliamentary Writ, which officially starts the process for electing the new MP for this constituency in the General Election on 4 July.

This month's newsletter contains essential information about the General Elections, including how to return a postal vote properly, what forms of photo ID you will need and how you can get free photo ID. All this information will ensure your vote is counted, so please take a look.

We will also be posting regularly with reminders about the election. Follow us on Facebook, X, Instagram and Nextdoor to make sure you don't miss out on those reminders.

You can also read about how our Community Development Manager, Rachel Kundasamy, has been recognised in the King’s birthday honours, a roundup of Bourne Hall's Festival of Arts and Sustainability, and the celebrations that took place earlier in the month to celebrate 80 years since the D-Day Landings. 

We hope you enjoy this month's edition of E-borough Insight.


Election dates & deadlines - what you need to know

On Wednesday 22 May 2024, the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that the next General Election will be held on Thursday 4 July 2024.

Parliament was be dissolved on Thursday 30 May 2024 and the Parliamentary Writ delivered to the Town Hall on Friday 31 May 2024.

Here is everything you need to know to enable you to vote in the General Election.

Don\'t forget your ID

Epsom & Ewell constituency

Following a review into constituency boundaries carried out last year, the new Epsom & Ewell constituency consists of the Borough of Epsom and Ewell and the wards of Ashtead Common, Ashtead Park, Ashtead Village, Leatherhead North and Leatherhead South from Mole Valley district.

The previous MP, Chris Grayling is not standing at this election. Candidates for the upcoming election can be found here.

Register to Vote

The deadline to register to vote was 18 June 2024. If you want to check if you are registered then you can contact us by e-mail at, or phone on 01372 732000.

Can’t vote in person?

If you are not able to vote in person on 4 July 2024, you can either use a postal vote if you have registered to do so, or appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf.

Postal votes were sent out by 1st class post from 17 June and we expect them to arrive by 24 June. If you are going on holiday before or close to that date, you may prefer to appoint a proxy.

Poll Cards

If you are already registered then you will receive a poll card giving information about polling hours and the address of your polling station soon after 10 June 2024. If you registered to vote after 10 May 2024 then your poll card will be sent out around 24 June 2024.

If after 5pm on 26 June you become unwell, or for work reasons cannot vote in person, the deadline to appoint an emergency proxy is 5pm, Thursday, 4 July. Contact the elections office on 01372 732000 for more information on how to arrange one.

Returning Your Postal Vote Pack

Please note that there are new restrictions regarding the handing in Postal Votes at both Council Offices and Polling Stations. You will need to complete a declaration form if you hand in postal vote(s) and you will be restricted on the number you can hand in to no more than 6 including your own. If you do not complete the required form then your postal vote will be rejected and your vote will not count. This will also apply to postal votes put into the post boxes situated at the Town Hall.

This will not apply if you return your postal vote via Royal Mail.

Voter ID

It is now a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting in person at a polling station at some elections. 

You’ll need one of the following types of photo ID to vote:

  • a UK or Northern Ireland photocard driving licence (full or provisional)
  • a driving licence issued by an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Isle of Man or any of the Channel Islands
  • a UK passport
  • a passport issued by an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or a Commonwealth country
  • a PASS card (National Proof of Age Standards Scheme)
  • a Blue Badge
  • a biometric residence permit (BRP)
  • a Defence Identity Card (MOD form 90)
  • a national identity card issued by the EU, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein
  • a Northern Ireland Electoral Identity Card
  • an Anonymous Elector’s Document

You can also use one of the following travel passes as photo ID when you vote:

Don't have a valid form of photo ID?

You can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate.

The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate is 5pm, Wednesday, 26 June 2024.

For more information on the General Election, please visit our website.

    Councillor Steve Bridger appointed Mayor of Epsom & Ewell

    Councillor Steve Bridger was officially recognised as the new Mayor of Epsom and Ewell at the council's annual Mayor Making ceremony at the Town Hall on Tuesday 14 May.

    The Mayor is the first citizen of the Borough of Epsom & Ewell and has several roles during their one-year term of office. These include representing the council and the local community at formal and ceremonial occasions, both within the borough and elsewhere, chairing full meetings of the council, and attending many community events throughout the year. During the mayoral year, the Mayor is politically neutral.

    Steve has lived in the borough since 1961 and been the councillor for Stamford ward since 2015. He married his wife, Carol, in 1980 and they had two boys, Richard and Matthew. Steve started his working life in his family’s business as a wholesale fish merchant in Billingsgate Fish Market, and then moved to Tesco in 1987, where he worked for 27 years. When he retired in 2015, he helped Carol, who was Richard’s full-time carer from the age of three.

    Richard was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a genetic condition that causes progressive muscle weakness, at the age of three. He became wheelchair-bound by the age of 11. Determined to live as normal a life as was possible, he attained good school results and a degree. Unfortunately, Richard’s condition shortened his lifespan and he sadly passed away in August 2018 at the age of 34.

    Matthew is happily married with three children in Reading, and they all bring great enjoyment to Carol and Steve.

    In his time as a councillor, Steve has sat on many committees and has chaired the Audit & Scrutiny committee for the past four years. Over his terms, he has contributed several Community Infrastructure Levy projects to better the local area and assisted the Epsom Common Association, where he has represented the council for nine years.

    Steve has always taken environmental issues seriously, having had thermal solar water panels and 30 solar panels installed on his home over the past 22 years, which has massively reduced his carbon footprint. His hobbies include electronics, computer programming, gardening, DIY and repairing anything! He is a keen member of the Epsom Repair Café.

    Steve is also a Freeman of the City of London and a liveryman in the Fan Makers Company.

    The Mayor’s three charities for the coming year are:

    • Epsom and Ewell Puffins Club

      The Epsom and Ewell Puffins Club provides recreational and sports activities for adults with learning or physical disabilities including swimming, table tennis, bowls, Boccia, badminton and New Age Kurling. They also offer social activities and outings several times a year.
    • Epsom & Ewell Phab

      Epsom and Ewell Phab club provides inclusive activities for young disabled and non-disabled people. Activities include sports, arts, crafts, games, drama, dance and music.
    • The Ruxley Foundation

      The Ruxley Foundation aims to improve the quality of life, social inclusion and social mobility of residents in Ruxley ward.

    On becoming Mayor, Steve said,

    "It has been an honour to serve the community and the borough I love for many years now. I’ve lived here for over 60 years and becoming the Mayor is the highest accolade I could have hoped to achieve. 

    “Carol and I thought long and hard about which charities to support during my mayoral year and, due to our personal circumstances, we decided to choose ones that focus on helping those with disabilities and less fortunate families within the Borough.”

    Epsom & Ewell Local Plan - what you need to know

    Clock tower face Epsom square

    We have created an FAQ area of our website to give the public as much information as possible about the development of the borough’s Local Plan.

    The Local Plan is a critical document in shaping the future of the borough. It covers a wide range of issues from creating jobs, environmental protection and leisure development, to sites for new homes and much-needed infrastructure improvements.

    We are following the government’s framework for developing a Local Plan, and no decisions have been made on policy wording or site selection for the Local Plan at this stage. We are currently reviewing feedback received during the public consultation on the first draft of the Plan, and gathering further detailed evidence to help develop the Plan.

    Once the evidence base is developed and complete, a recommendation will come to the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee (LPPC) on a proposed Plan that will include site allocations. LPPC will then make a recommendation to Full Council, and it is only at this stage that a council decision on the Local Plan will be made, which will then go forward to another six-week public consultation. This is expected to be in early 2025. The next version of the Local Plan will include a consultation statement which provides a summary of the main issues raised during the Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) consultation, and how they have been taken into account.

    The Local Plan FAQs can be found on our website at:

    Members of the public can sign up to receive an alert for future consultations by completing the form at

    Image: Icon Effective Council

    Bourne Hall's Festival of Arts and Sustainability

    A big thank you to everyone who came along to Bourne Hall's Arts and Sustainability Festival on 24-25 May.

    The festival included market stalls, live music, face painting, bird feeder making, a seed hunter trail and creation of an art instillation using old CDs.

    It was a great day for all ages and thankfully the weather was on our side!

    We look forward to welcoming you all back for next year's festival.

    Free boiler upgrade

    Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, in partnership with Action Surrey, will shortly be launching a free boiler upgrade scheme for residents who meet the following criteria:

    • Are a resident in Epsom and Ewell
    • Are the owner occupier of a property with a gas boiler
    • Are on means-tested benefits or low income
    • Live in a property with an EPC rating of D – G, and
    • Have a broken or end of life boiler over ten years old.

    If you meet the criteria and would like to register an interest in the scheme, please contact Action Surrey by calling 0800 783 2503 or visit Epsom and Ewell Boiler Upgrade Grant - Action Surrey

    Help us make your property someone’s home

    Epsom and Ewell Borough Council are currently looking to take on 3 and 4 bedroom properties under its Private Sector Leasing (PSL) scheme.

    Do you have a property to let?

    Epsom and Ewell Borough Council are currently looking to take on 3 and 4 bedroom properties under its Private Sector Leasing (PSL) scheme.

    The council operates a very successful PSL scheme that allows us to help local families in housing need whilst reducing the risks and hassle of renting for landlords. Under the PSL scheme: -

    • The council lease and manage your property for a period of three to five years
    • You receive a guaranteed rent, paid 6 months advance
    • No void periods or costs
    • We manage your property and let it to local people in housing need
    • We carry out minor repairs up to the value of £500 per year
    • At the end of the agreement, we return the property to you in the same condition (minus fair wear and tear) as when the agreement started.

    The benefits for landlords are: 

    • The council manage your property
    • A single point of contact within the council
    • No inventory costs and regular property inspections
    • Right to Rent checks carried by the council
    • No need to register deposits with TDP schemes
    • No letting agent or management fees
    • Routine and major repairs can be undertaken on landlords’ behalf for a fee.

    There are also benefits for families and the local community. Local families benefit as we are able to provide good quality, temporary housing in the local area. The community sees empty properties brought back into use.

    At the moment, alternative accommodation is often located out of the borough. This can be disruptive to home life, work and school at an already stressful time for families. 

    The council has had great success with our Private Sector Leasing scheme, and we are currently looking to expand the scheme. We are especially looking to take on more 3 and 4 bedroom family properties.

    If you are interested in working with us, please contact

    For full details of the scheme and a landlords information pack, please visit

    Tackle your gambling habit

    We are a nation of football lovers, with much anticipation for UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany this summer. We’re all hoping it doesn’t rain so we can roll out the BBQ and have a few friends round to watch and share the highs and lows of our team’s journey. 

    During the tournament thousands of people will be betting on their team hoping to gain a profit. It’s tempting when you think knowledge about your team is an advantage, but nobody can predict the future, especially where England and penalties are concerned.

    Gambling can be fun and now that we see so much advertising and it’s easily available online it’s become normalised in our lives. But it can also become something harmful, where someone may: often spend over their limit, gamble to win back money, feel stressed about their gambling, feel they have lost control, and continue to gamble despite negative consequences. Unfortunately, sometimes stigma or a sense of shame can delay or prevent people accessing support.

    If you are affected by gambling, there are a range of services listed on Healthy Surrey that provide support and treatment for people in Surrey, as well as help for families and friends, including a 24-7 National Gambling helpline 0808 8020 133, Talkbanstop (blocking software and self-exclusion scheme), and Gamblers Anonymous meetings in Guildford and Staines.

    Show domestic abuse the red card

    Football doesn’t cause domestic abuse, but incidents can increase or become more severe around key matches. Research from Warwick Business School published in 2022 found that reported cases of alcohol-related domestic abuse rose by 47% on the day of an England victory at the World Cup or European Championships. 

    If you have a friend, family or work colleague who is experiencing domestic abuse, please direct them to the Surrey Against Domestic Abuse helpline 01483 776822 or call the national helpline 0808 2000 247 available 24/7. In an emergency always call 999. Further information and support for people experiencing domestic abuse is available at Surrey Against Domestic Abuse.

    Football tournaments often carry high levels of optimism and expectation, as a result, an England victory can have a substantial impact on fans’ alcohol consumption during nationwide celebrations after a match, increasing the likelihood of abusive behaviours. If you think your behaviour might be hurting people close to you, help is available. For support visit: Worried about your own or someone else's abusive behaviour?. The programme provides an opportunity to address and prevent further incidences of domestic abuse, through supporting perpetrators to change their behaviour and to develop respectful, non-abusive relationships.

    Jobs at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council

    We're recruiting.

    Director, Corporate Services

    This is a fantastic opportunity to join the Senior Leadership Team at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council and take the lead on a wide range of the Council’s corporate services.

    Find out more about the Director, Corporate Services, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council

    Revenues Team Leader

    Are you an ambitious Revenues professional looking for your next challenge? For the right person, this is a superb opportunity to broaden your experience and enhance your skills. We are looking for an experienced revenues professional to lead our dynamic in house team.

    Find out more about the role here: Revenues Team Leader, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council

    Tree Officer

    Our borough has a substantial number of protected trees. You will take a lead role in all tree related matters, including assessing trees for protection, processing applications and appeals, and providing related specialist advice and guidance to planning officers, enforcement teams, the public, and Councillors. In particular you will lead on improving processes relating to Tree Preservation Orders and Tree Replacement Notices.

    Find out more about the role here: Tree Officer Epsom & Ewell Borough Council

    Our small but ambitious authority offers you the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of varied and interesting work. That, together with an enviable array of staff benefits and a rewarding and challenging career, is our unique offer to you.

    If you have the passion and the drive to make a real difference, we really want to hear from you. View a list of all current vacancies at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council

    At Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, we are passionate about maintaining an inclusive workplace for all that reflects the communities we serve. We welcome applications from all sections of our community particularly from underrepresented backgrounds, including BAME, LGBTQ+ and those with hidden or visible disabilities.

    We are committed to ensuring all our staff – regardless of gender, age, religion, sexuality, ethnicity or disability – can thrive and succeed whilst working with us.

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    Rachel Kundasamy, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s Community Development Manager, recognised in King’s birthday honours list

    Epsom & Ewell Borough Council's Community Development Manager, Rachel Kundasamy, recognised in the King’s birthday honours list 2024

    Epsom & Ewell Borough Council are very pleased to share that their Community Development Manager Rachel Kundasamy has been recognised in the King’s birthday honours this year. Rachel has been awarded a Medal of the British Empire (BEM) for her services to Refugee Resettlement.

    Rachel said, “It was lovely to discover I’d been nominated, and I genuinely never expected to receive the award.

    “Working to support the refugee community is incredibly rewarding. I’ve been really privileged in meeting and working with some of the refugee community, and their resilience shown in the face of such adversity is nothing short of inspiring.

    “It’s a great thing to receive a BEM for a body of work that I feel immensely proud of – and it goes without saying that I wouldn’t have won anything had it not been for the incredible support of the community development team and the housing team at the council. I also want to extend a huge thank you to Epsom and Ewell Refugee Network (EERN), with whom the council has built an incredible partnership over the years. I’m truly grateful to everyone at EERN for the support they have shown the council in helping provide services to those refugees who have settled in Epsom and Ewell.”

    Chief Executive Jackie King has said “We are all very proud of Rachel for achieving this great honour, which is due to her tireless work in the area of Refugee Resettlement. Rachel designs and delivers innovative projects and strategies that provide the help and support local refugees need to adjust, settle and be able to live fulfilling lives in our borough. I know Rachel is supported by a brilliant team in this work and we are very grateful to them, too.

    Our purpose as a council is to make a positive difference to the lives of those in our borough. Through her dedication, passion and partnership working, Rachel has made a huge difference to the lives of many people who are going through extreme hardship and challenge, and this award is testament to that.”

    Spotlight on

    Epsom & Ewell Celebrates the 80th Anniversary of D-Day Landings

    Thank you to everyone who made the D-Day 80 Commemorative Beacon Lighting Event such a memorable and enjoyable occasion.

    The evening included rousing music from The Show Choir and the Epsom & Ewell Silver Band. On Epsom Downs, with a beautiful sunset in the background, there was a small ceremony followed by the Lone Piper, before the beacon was lit.

    The Royal British Legion Standard Bearers stood to attention, raising the Standard Flags.

    D Day 2024

    What's On

    What's on in Epsom & Ewell

    Find out what's happening in Epsom & Ewell

    Find out what's happening in Epsom & Ewell in the coming months; take a look at the events page on the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council website. 

    Wildflower ID Course

    Join our council ecologist in Horton Country Park Local Nature Reserve and learn how in identify wildflowers. Meet at the information centre for 10am, all day course. Please wear appropriate clothing/footwear. Lunch is not provided. Advance booking only

    Saturday 22 June, 10am
    Horton Country Park Local Nature Reserve

    Model Railway Club Open Day

    Epsom & Ewell Model Railway Club's open day include 11 working layouts (including one for children to drive the trains), modelling demonstrations, three local model traders, light refreshments. 

    Saturday 22 June, 10am - 5pm
    Ruxley Church, Epsom
    Free entry (donations welcomed)

    Charity Dinner at The Secret Garden

    Age Concern Epsom & Ewell invites you to a wonderful summer’s fundraising dinner at The Secret Garden at Ewell Court House.

    Friday 28 June, 7pm - 10pm
    The Secret Garden, Lakehurst Road, Ewell

    Image: Icon Cultural and creative

    Epsom Playhouse - June 2024

    See what's on at Epsom Playhouse this month.
    Find out what's on at the Epsom Playhouse this month:
    • Dance Festival 2024

      Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 June 2024

      The school children of Epsom & Ewell come together in this great show, to perform for their families and friends.
    • The Carol Anne Dance Academy present Planet Rock 2024

      Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June 2024

      CADA STARS (The Carol Anne Dance Academy) welcomes you to Planet Rock! Where habitants across the universe come from their own planets to compete against one another in a Competition to be the Ultimate Rock Star!

      For more listings, please visit the Epsom Playhouse website.

      Markets in Epsom & Ewell

      Epsom Markets

      Epsom Market 2022 iStock

      Regular markets in Epsom Marketplace take place on Thursday and Saturday.
      For information on the weekly markets at Epsom Marketplace take a look here: Epsom & Ewell markets

      Artisan Market - in Ewell Grove
      Come along to see a gorgeous selection of wooden children's toys, handmade jewellery, local honey and jams and lots more. 
      First Saturday of the month, 10am - 3pm. 
      Ewell Grove, Ewell Village.

      Bourne Hall Pre-loved Clothes Market (formerly known as Cash in the Wardrobe) - Bourne Hall. 
      A market for pre-loved and vintage clothes and accessories, taking place on the third Saturday of the month.
      10am - 2pm.

      Farmer's Market - Epsom Marketplace
      This market usually takes place on the first Sunday of the month.
      9.30am - 1.30pm.
      Find out more at

      Explore Epsom and Ewell

      Get closer to nature and enjoy the outdoors with our various guided walks. Explore local nature reserves, discover your borough's history and boost your health and wellbeing too.

      Visit the walks page on our website to discover a range of walks that take place across Epsom and Ewell.  

      Epsom & Ewell also has several beautiful open spaces which are great for cycling, including Epsom Downs, Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve, Nonsuch Park, Hogsmill Local Nature Reserve, and Horton Country Park Local Nature Reserve. You can find cycling routes for all these places on our website.

      Epsom Common Association (ECA)

      ECA supports the preservation and protection of Epsom Common local nature reserve and site of special scientific interest. ECA works in partnership with the Council, the Lower Mole Countryside Management Project and English Nature to contribute to the long term management and conservation of the Common.

      Nature walks
      ECA organises a number of walks on the Common each year which are led by local natural history experts. The subjects that are usually covered each year include birds in early spring, wildflowers, butterflies, invertebrates particularly bush crickets, bats and fungi. 

      The EcoVols
      If you care about the Common and enjoy its wildlife and beauty why not join the EcoVols, the volunteer group of the ECA. EcoVols carry out a variety of conservation projects on the Common throughout the year in association with English Nature, the Council and the Lower Mole Countryside Management Project. You don’t need any special skills or experience just your enthusiasm and time! For more info and the 2020 EcoVols programme see: Conservation on Epsom Common

      Image: Green & vibrant icon

      Your Council

      Council meetings in June

        The following meetings of the Council will be held in June.


          The agendas, reports and details on how to view the council meetings are published seven days before the relevant meeting on the website links above.

          Meeting dates are subject to change. When looking for details of a particular meeting, please contact the relevant officer to confirm that the meeting is going ahead as scheduled.

          The calendar of Council meetings can be found here:

          You can subscribe to updates in order to receive information via e-mail regarding arrangements for particular committee meetings.

          Image: Icon Effective Council

          Community Notice Boards

          There are community notice boards, known as Borough Boards, in various locations across Epsom & Ewell. The Boards are for local community use and form a vital information point for those who are not online.  They are used for timely information and events; they are not used to advertise businesses. 

          Submitting a poster

          If you have a poster you would like placing on the boards, please email with an electronic copy of the poster, so the team can double check it is appropriate for the boards. Once the team have confirmed the poster is suitable, please print and deliver 25 posters (one for each board) into the postbox outside the main entrance at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Town Hall, clearly marked ‘Borough Boards’, or ask your Ward Councillor to do so on your behalf.

          Please submit your posters as far in advance as possible, to allow plenty of time for posters to be checked and put up on the boards.

          Content Rules

          Posters should advertise timely local information and events. The following will not be accepted:

          • Overt advertising of businesses or services
          • Any discriminatory language or suggestions, including hate speech and profanities in the text or via images
          • Promoting a religious cause only, with no event or activity taking place
          • Any political inferences.

          Poster content should be easy for everyone to read and respond to. All posters must:

          • Be a maximum of A4 in size
          • Consider accessibility - they should be easy to read, in colours that are contrasting and not using fonts that may be tricky for those with visual impairments to read
          • Posters should include a working phone number wherever possible.  A poster that only points to a website / email for more information will not serve those members of the community who are not online.

          We reserve the right to select which posters can be featured. 

          We will insert posters that meet the content rules above on a first submitted, first served basis, until all the spaces are allocated, and to remove any that are out of date in a timely manner.

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