What's on in Epsom & Ewell
Find out what's happening in Epsom & Ewell
Find out what's happening in Epsom & Ewell in the coming months; take a look at the events page on the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council website.
Beside the Spanish Seaside: Picasso, Sorolla & Gaudi
This lecture examines the works and legacies of three Spanish titans.
Thursday 11 April, 10am - 3pm
Epsom College
£45, including lunch, payable in advance.
Discover the worst jobs at sea, including the roles of the Scrubber, the Cook, the Powder Monkey and the Surgeon.
Saturday 13 April, 1pm - 3.30pm
Bourne Hall Museum
£5 per child
Our ever-popular annual women-only race is back! With no cut-off time it’s the perfect target for absolute beginners and enjoyed by established runners too.
Sunday 28 April, 10am
Harrier Centre
Early bird entries are £18 with UK Athletics affiliated runners and £20 non-affiliated until 29 February 2024. Thereafter £20 with UK Athletics affiliated runners and £22 for non-affiliated. The closing date for entries is 12pm on 26 April 2024.
Find out about events in Epsom & Ewell, visit: Epsom & Ewell Borough Council |Whats On

Markets in Epsom & Ewell
Epsom Markets

Regular markets in Epsom Marketplace take place on Thursday and Saturday.
For information on the weekly markets at Epsom Marketplace take a look here: Epsom & Ewell markets
Artisan Market - in Ewell Grove
Come along to see a gorgeous selection of wooden children's toys, handmade jewellery, local honey and jams and lots more.
First Saturday of the month, 10am - 3pm.
Ewell Grove, Ewell Village.
Bourne Hall Pre-loved Clothes Market (formerly known as Cash in the Wardrobe) - Bourne Hall.
A market for pre-loved and vintage clothes and accessories, taking place on the third Saturday of the month.
10am - 2pm.
Farmer's Market - Epsom Marketplace
This market usually takes place on the first Sunday of the month.
9.30am - 1.30pm.
Find out more at www.surreymarkets.co.uk/event/epsom-market
The Antiques Market is back in Epsom Market Square on Sunday 17 March.

Explore Epsom and Ewell
Get closer to nature and enjoy the outdoors with our various guided walks. Explore local nature reserves, discover your borough's history and boost your health and wellbeing too.
Visit the walks page on our website to discover a range of walks that take place across Epsom and Ewell.
Epsom & Ewell also has several beautiful open spaces which are great for cycling, including Epsom Downs, Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve, Nonsuch Park, Hogsmill Local Nature Reserve, and Horton Country Park Local Nature Reserve. You can find cycling routes for all these places on our website.
ECA supports the preservation and protection of Epsom Common local nature reserve and site of special scientific interest. ECA works in partnership with the Council, the Lower Mole Countryside Management Project and English Nature to contribute to the long term management and conservation of the Common.
Nature walks
ECA organises a number of walks on the Common each year which are led by local natural history experts. The subjects that are usually covered each year include birds in early spring, wildflowers, butterflies, invertebrates particularly bush crickets, bats and fungi.
The EcoVols
If you care about the Common and enjoy its wildlife and beauty why not join the EcoVols, the volunteer group of the ECA. EcoVols carry out a variety of conservation projects on the Common throughout the year in association with English Nature, the Council and the Lower Mole Countryside Management Project. You don’t need any special skills or experience just your enthusiasm and time! For more info and the 2020 EcoVols programme see: Conservation on Epsom Common