Together, we make a difference
We're a small borough and council, but we are passionate about what we do. We work hard with, and for, our residents to make Epsom & Ewell a great place to live, work and visit.
We're telling some of the stories of the work done by Epsom & Ewell Borough Council's staff, Councillors and residents that make a positive difference to our borough.
This month we're with Tim, in Epsom & Ewell Borough Council's Democratic Services Team. Tim told us about the work the team did for last year's election, when the Democratic Services team supported around 20,000 people to vote;
“I manage the Democratic Services team at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council which is responsible for the management of the council’s committees, electoral registration in Epsom & Ewell, elections management and Councillor support services.
Elections are an interesting and exciting time for everyone in the borough, and a high-profile project for us. We begin planning around a year before the election, reserving a venue for the election count hall and venues where people will be able to vote. Last year this was at Epsom Racecourse.
We form a project plan and an election management team to oversee its implementation and ensure compliance with all legal and other requirements, and work with colleagues across the council to organise and run the election.
Borough council elections are perhaps the most complicated of the elections we run. Last year there were 135 candidates for 35 council seats across 14 different wards. Each ward had separate candidates, election agents and polling stations. It was imperative that across the voting and count periods that none of the ballot papers or information became mixed.
Nearly 59,000 polling cards and over 9,500 postal votes were sent out in advance of the polling day and around 20,000 ballot papers were counted. Last year's election also saw the introduction of voter ID for voters at polling stations for the first time, a significant change for the election management team to plan, communicate and implement."
You can read the whole story on our website, visit
⇒ Got a story you'd like us to share? We'd love to hear from you. Email or comment below.
Epsom Playhouse nominated for award
We are so pleased that Epsom Playhouse has been nominated for Favourite Entertainment Venue and Family Attraction of The Year!
The nominees are voted for by the public which makes the award even more special - thank you!