Borough Insight

This Issue

Welcome to E-Borough Insight

Introduction to January edition of Eborough Insight, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council's monthly newsletter


Welcome to the January edition of eBorough Insight, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council's monthly newsletter. 

We're excited to embark on many new adventures this year. Just recently we announced a partnership with the Lawn Tennis Association to improve local tennis courts. We've also recently launched a pop-up touring exhibition 'Then & Now' which can be seen at Epsom Library this month. The Arts, Culture and Heritage team and Bourne Hall Museum officers worked with NESCOT Creative Media students and Surrey Libraries to create this. 

In this edition, we'll also be sharing with you some important updates from our council tax and electoral services team, as well as all the latest details on our Warm Hubs.

Finally, on Saturday 27 January it was International Holocaust Memorial Day - a time to reflect and honour the memory of the millions of victims of Nazi persecution and more recent genocides. Please check out our social media channels to watch the speech from the Mayor.

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