Borough Insight

This Issue

Welcome to E-Borough Insight

Introduction to August edition of Eborough Insight, the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council newsletter.


Welcome to the August edition of eBorough Insight, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council's monthly newsletter. 

In this edition you can read about the new campaign the council have signed up to: 'Debate not Hate', which aims to tackle the abuse and intimidation that many Councillors face. Read more about this initiative here.

If you, or someone you know, is looking for a new opportunity, please take a look at the jobs section in this edition. We are recruiting for people to drive and supervise refuse and recycling collection vehicles, a Community Development Officer, and more. Take a look: 

Residents searching for work can also visit the Employment Hub in Epsom which can now support all residents looking for employment, not only those aged between 16 and 24. Read the full article.

Last month we were able to raise the Green Flag on Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve for the 17th time. Read more about this fantastic achievement: Epsom-common-awarded-green-flag-award.

Green Flag Cropped

Enjoy this edition of Eborough Insight - and the rest of the summer holidays.  EBorough Insight will be back in September.


Bourne Hall Museum Takes Part in Kids in Museums ‘Digital Takeover Day’

Kids Digital Takeover in Bourne Hall

On Friday 7 July, Bourne Hall handed over its social media channels to young people from St Clement’s Catholic Primary School in Ewell, as part of a national 'Kids in Museums Digital Takeover Day' event. 

Supported by Arts Council England, the Kids in Museums charity aims to empower young people and help them learn digital marketing skills, as well as support museums to engage younger audiences.

The charity has held an annual digital takeover since 2014, where young people take over the social accounts of museums, galleries, historic homes, archives and heritage sites across the UK. Last year, over 50 museums were taken over and the hashtag #TakeoverDay has even trended on Twitter.

Bourne Hall welcomed a group of year 2 students to its Museum to become cultural detectives for the morning. Focusing on five specific themes: Space, Nature, Local History, Holidays and Textiles, children highlighted their favourite items, which were then photographed and placed alongside their own caption, to go out on Bourne Hall’s social media.

Examples of Children\'s work from the Digital Takeover at Bourne Hall July 2023

As well as the digital takeover, the children created some brilliant visual responses to their visit. These artworks have been turned into an exhibition at Bourne Hall – you can see them there now.

The children had some insightful comments to make about the objects in the museum. One commented about some 1950s card games:

“Amazing, incredible, really fun! The cards were colourful and rainbowy and reminded us of holidays.”

Thinking about working in the role of a Curator, another child added:

“I’m thinking about the security in our museum – and how we keep everything safe. I’m also thinking about how I would make sure that everyone had a great time when they come to visit our museum.”

Speaking of the recent event, Councillor Clive Woodbridge, Chair of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s Community and Wellbeing Committee, said,

“This was a great event that brought our fantastic museum to life for some of our borough’s young people. It was a highly engaging experience for the children and they also gave us valuable feedback on what they loved in the museum and what they’d like to see more of.”

Image: Icon Cultural and creative

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council signs up to ‘Debate Not Hate’ campaign

Debate Not Hate campaign - image

Councillors at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council have united to support a national campaign designed to tackle the abuse and intimidation that many councillors face.

The campaign, spearheaded by the Local Government Association (LGA), aims to raise public awareness of the role of councillors in their communities, encourage healthy debate and improve the responses and support for local politicians facing abuse and intimidation. The campaign launched on the back of recent LGA findings that seven in 10 councillors nationally have experienced abuse and intimidation in the last 12 months and one in 10 experience abuse frequently.

Leaders of the majority and main opposition groups at the council jointly proposed a motion regarding the issue at the full Council meeting on Tuesday 25 July, and the motion was unanimously approved with support from every political group. The approval means that the council commits to challenge the normalisation of abuse against councillors and officers, and uphold exemplary standards of public and political debate in all it does.

Chair of the majority RA Group Cllr Hannah Dalton, who put forward the motion, commented: “Discussion and debate are at the heart of our society and part of healthy democracy. With debate there will be disagreement but there also needs to be respect where there are differing thoughts, ideas and opinions. Decision making should be transparent and open to scrutiny and challenge; but abuse and intimidation of councillors, in whatever form it might take, crosses an unacceptable line. It undermines democracy, prevents those elected to represent their communities from doing so, and may deter individuals who are passionate about supporting their communities from standing for election.

“The Councillors of Epsom and Ewell Borough Council are united in our support for healthy debate and discussion, and in challenging intimidation and abuse to ensure councillors feel safe and able to continue representing our residents.”

Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group Cllr Julie Morris seconded the motion. She added: “All elected members at the council are working towards a common cause – to better the lives of our residents. Frank discussions, differences of opinion and being held to account is what democracy thrives on, but harassment or abuse is unacceptable.

“We hope that by joining forces in this way we can highlight the issues councillors are facing, as well as send a clear message that abuse and intimidation have no place in politics.”

For more information on the Debate Not Hate campaign, visit:

For the wording of the motion that was approved at the full Council meeting on 25 July 2023, visit:

Image: Icon Effective Council

Epsom & Ewell Employment Hub expands service to support more residents

Epsom and Ewell Employment Hub

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council is pleased to announce that the Epsom & Ewell Employment Hub is expanding its service to help all residents who are looking for work.

The Hub is a free employment and skills service, designed to help residents plan their next steps. Since the service launched in December 2021, the Hub has focused on those aged 16-24 in receipt of Universal Credit and has supported more than 600 young people. The team will now be able to help people of all ages in Epsom & Ewell find lasting work, including those who are refugees and people with additional needs.

The dedicated team at the Hub mentor residents who are looking for work, offering friendly support and advice on all aspects of job searching as well as helping them overcome barriers to employment. This includes holding workshops to develop interview skills, build CVs and improve interpersonal skills, as well as liaising with local employers to offer apprenticeships and work placements. The team hold regular job fairs where local employers and job seekers are matched.

The expansion of services at the Hub has been made possible following a change in funding; the Hub will now be funded by Epsom & Ewell Borough Council from the UK Prosperity Fund. The council continues to lead on the project with Surrey Lifelong Learning Partnership. Both organisations work with a steering group of partners, including NESCOT, Go Epsom and Coast to Capital.

Councillor Clive Woodbridge, Chair of the Community and Wellbeing Committee, said

“The Epsom & Ewell Employment Hub is an incredible resource for our community and the team there are already doing a fantastic job supporting young people to find employment.  It is great news that they will now be able to help even more people in the borough find meaningful and lasting work.”

Kevin Delf, from Surrey Lifelong Learning Partnership, added: 

“The employment market can be daunting. The team at the Hub can now ensure that all residents who are looking for employment are given the skills and support they need to succeed.”

Anna, a previous Employment Hub client, said:

“The workshops at the Hub helped me improve my body language and build my confidence, as well as giving me useful interview tips. Thanks to the support provided by the Hub, I was successful in my application for a new role.”

Read Anna’s case study here:

The Hub has relationships with charities including the Workers Educational Association, National Careers Advice, Multiply (Maths & English), Step Forward YMCA, Mary Francis Trust and Work Stress Solutions.

The Hub assists local businesses with their recruitment needs, connecting employers with local residents who are actively searching for their next move. Local business owners who would like to be involved should sends e-mail)

The Hub is open Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm and is based in Global House in the Ashley Centre, in Epsom town centre.

Epsom Common awarded the coveted Green Flag Award

Epsom Common awarded the coveted Green Flag Award as it is officially recognised as one of the country’s best parks.

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council is celebrating receiving a Green Flag Award for Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve (LNR) for the 17th consecutive year.

Green Flag flying on Epsom Common 2023The news that Epsom Common LNR has once again achieved the accreditation - the international quality mark for parks and green spaces - is testament to the hard work and dedication of the team that care for the green space so that everyone can enjoy it.

Councillor John Beckett, Chair of the Environment Committee said:

“Epsom Common is a beautiful and biodiverse space that we are incredibly fortunate to be able to enjoy in our borough. The Countryside Team at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council work tirelessly with volunteers and partners, including the Epsom Common Association, the Lower Mole Partnership and Natural England, to manage and protect this precious Local Nature Reserve and Site of Special Scientific Interest.

“The news that Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve has achieved the Green Flag Award for the 17th year in a row is a welcome tribute to the hard work of all the people who work year-round, rain or shine, to ensure it continues to flourish.”  

To find out more about the wonderful countryside managed by the Countryside Team at the council, take a look at the walks and tours run by the team here: What's on | Epsom and Ewell Borough Council (

Keep Britain Tidy’s Green Flag Award Scheme Manager Paul Todd MBE said:

“I would like to congratulate everyone involved at Epsom Common LNR in achieving a Green Flag Award.

“Epsom Common LNR is a vital green space for the community in Epsom & Ewell, bringing people together and providing opportunities to lead healthy lifestyles. Epsom & Ewell staff and volunteers do so much to ensure that it maintains the high standards of the Green Flag Award and everyone involved should feel extremely proud of their achievement.”

The Green Flag Award scheme, managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of green spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world.

A full list of Green Flag Award-winning parks and green spaces is available here.

Image: Green & vibrant icon

Annual Canvass

A picture of a number of icons.

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council will shortly be conducting its annual canvass.

Every year, the council is legally required to contact each household in the Borough to find out if there have been any changes to who is eligible to be registered to vote at each address.

Residents will receive one or more of the below:

  • A confirmation letter on green paper sent by post. Residents will be asked to check the names of people living at their address. A response is only needed if there is a change or update to the information printed on the letter.
  • A canvass form sent on yellow paper by post. This form will ask the resident to confirm who is currently eligible to vote in their household. By law, a response must be provided to this form.
  • An email communication in relation to the above if the resident has previously provided an email address to Electoral Services.

How to respond

To confirm or update the details for a household:

  • Visit In the login page, please enter both parts of the security code that is on the letter, canvass form or email you have received.
  • If there are no changes, residents can also respond by calling 0800 197 9871

If the resident is asked to respond to a canvass communication and doesn’t, we will make other attempts to get a response, which may include reminder forms, a telephone call or a visit to the property, so please respond as soon as you receive the information request from us.

If a resident has any questions about how to respond to the letter, form or email, please email

Disruption to garden waste collections

Recently Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s waste collection team has suffered from significant incidences of staff sickness.
We believe this is in part due to a reoccurrence of Covid-19 at our depot. Collecting bins and driving dustcarts is a physically demanding job, and the symptoms suffered have taken a considerable toll on our manual workers.
Efforts to find emergency staff cover post-pandemic has become much harder nationally. Agencies with which we have had long-standing relationships over many years are reporting that it has become very hard to find candidates for refuse & recycling staff, especially drivers.
During this time, we have prioritised collection in accordance with DEFRA guidance. Refuse, food waste and recycling are prioritised over garden and bulky waste collections, because they affect all residents in the borough and because the waste is more noxious.
All missed garden waste collections are being collected on a later date and residents can leave excess waste in refuse sacks alongside their bin.
We apologise for this ongoing issue and hope to resolve the situation soon. We thank you for your understanding and patience.

Help us recycle more of the right things

Help us recycle more of the right things this summerResearch shows that many people feel like they are already recycling as much as they can. But according to data, over 26,000 tonnes of recyclable waste can be found in Surrey’s rubbish bins. Categorised by material, that would look something like this…

  • 9,096 tonnes of paper and card, equating to roughly 5,000 cars.
  • 8,353 tonnes of plastic, equal to almost 1,500 elephants.
  • 6,619 tonnes of glass, that’s approximately 9,500 cows.
  • 2,268 tonnes of metal, equivalent to around 4,500 polar bears.

Why is this a big deal?

For Epsom & Ewell Borough Council and the tax payer, recycling makes financial sense because it costs less to recycle waste than it does to dispose of it as rubbish. It’s also better for the environment as recycling generates less carbon dioxide than rubbish disposal. So as a county Surrey needs to waste less and recycle more.

Win, win, with your recycling bin

This summer, please help save money and the planet by recycling more. That includes:

  • Letters, envelopes, paper, card, leaflets, catalogues, glossy brochures and magazines, junk mail, newspapers and cardboard.
  • Food packaging such as plastic pots, tubs and trays.
  • Plastic bottles used for shampoo, detergent, and cleaning products.
  • Glass bottles and jars.
  • Metal food tins for things like tuna, soup, fruit and pet food.

These small changes will make a big impact, not only to the planet but we can use the money saved for essential services for Surrey’s communities instead.

Find out more at:

Home Upgrade Grant

It is still a challenging time, with many of us struggling in the cost of living crisis. Making your home more energy efficient and environmentally friendly is a great opportunity to reduce energy bills and do your bit for the environment and reduce your carbon footprint.

What funding is available?

More than £12m of Government funding is now available, via the Home Upgrade Grant scheme, for Surrey residents to make their homes more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. 

Who is eligible?

If your home is not heated by gas you might be eligible for this grant. Anyone living in hard to heat homes and on lower incomes could receive up to £38,000 to fund measures that; improve a range of insulation including wall, loft and underfloor; install solar PV, solar thermal and air source heat pumps and ensure ventilation meets the industry standards.

Your property must have an EPC rating of D-G, the primary form of heating must not be mains gas and you will need to meet the financial eligibility criteria. Funding is limited and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Find out more

For more information and to check if you’re eligible for the grant, visit the Action Surrey website or call 0800 783 2503.

Help for landlords

If you’re a private landlord, your tenant might be eligible for the funding. You can also check The Domestic Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) Regulations Guidance for Landlords web page for details on updated requirements.

Surrey Energy Advice

COL Surrey Energy Advice

Online Energy Advice Tool to help you save money

Surrey County Council have created a new online Energy Advice Tool. The tool asks a series of short questions and depending on the answers will offer tailored information on grants, support and advice, and non-financial help on a range of topics including:

  • Find free or part-funded schemes to make you home more energy efficient
  • Signpost to debt relief grants
  • Where to find additional services such as clothes and food banks
  • Fuel vouchers

Other support:

Welfare Hub

Surrey County Council have pulled together financial, health and welfare information on their website to ensure you find what support is on offer in the country. For more information, visit the Welfare Hub.

Cost of Living Support

Visit Epsom & Ewell Borough Council's Cost of Living Support webpage for more support and advice.

Jobs at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council

We're recruiting.

Our small but ambitious authority offers you the opportunity to become involved in a wide range of varied and interesting work. That, together with an enviable array of staff benefits and a rewarding and challenging career, is our unique offer to you.

If you have the passion and the drive to make a real difference, we really want to hear from you. View a list of all current vacancies at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council here.

Featured vacancies

Community Development Officer

The Community Development Officer is a new role which provides an opportunity for the successful candidate to work to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes of the community, while enhancing the Borough, the Council, and their own professional portfolio.

LGV Driver

The Operational Services Division of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council is looking for dedicated individuals to drive and supervise refuse and recycling collection vehicles, ensuring a timely, high quality, safe, friendly and efficient service to our residents.

We currently have three positions vacant. Driver

At Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, we are passionate about maintaining an inclusive workplace for all that reflects the communities we serve. We welcome applications from all sections of our community particularly from underrepresented backgrounds, including BAME, LGBTQ+ and those with hidden or visible disabilities.

We are committed to ensuring all our staff – regardless of gender, age, religion, sexuality, ethnicity or disability – can thrive and succeed whilst working with us.

Opp and Prosp Roundel


What's On

What's on in Epsom & Ewell

There's lots happening in Epsom and Ewell over the coming months.

For the full events list, including lots of walks and talks happening in August, take a look at the events page on the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council website.  

Bat Walk

Go batty on Epsom Common LNR! Find out more about these fascinating and misunderstood mammals. Bring a head torch/torch and wrap up warm.

Sorry, no dogs allowed on this walk.

Saturday 9 September.

Meet at Stew Pond Car Park for 7.30pm.

Advance booking only. Find out more here: Bat Walk - booking required

Ewell History Day

Considering a getaway for all the family? Why not journey back 4,000 years to Bronze Age Ewell and find out about the area’s earliest settlers? Or try to stop an advancing Roman army by making an offering to Iron Age gods? Ever wanted to mix with the Royals? Well, you can meet Henry VIII himself as he makes his way to his new palace at Nonsuch! If you manage to keep your head, you’ll also be able to meet our boys from the Hampshire Regiment who’ll tell you what it was like to fight the Nazis. Ewell History Day is a free day out for all time travellers and wannabe historians.

Bourne Hall, Ewell

Saturday 16 September 2023


Find out about events in Epsom & Ewell here:

Image: Icon Cultural and creative

Ewell History Day at Bourne Hall

Promotional image for Bourne Hall History DayConsidering a getaway for all the family? Why not journey back 4,000 years to Bronze Age Ewell and find out about the area’s earliest settlers? Or try to stop an advancing Roman army by making an offering to Iron Age gods?

Ever wanted to mix with the Royals? Well, you can meet Henry VIII himself as he makes his way to his new palace at Nonsuch!

If you manage to keep your head, you’ll also be able to meet our boys from the Hampshire Regiment who’ll tell you what it was like to fight the Nazis.

Ewell History Day is a free day out for all time travellers and wannabe historians.

Ewell History Day at Bourne Hall,

Saturday 16 September 2023, 10am–5pm

Image: Icon Cultural and creative

Markets in Epsom & Ewell

Epsom MarketRegular markets in Epsom marketplace take place on Thursday and Saturday.
For information on the weekly markets at Epsom Marketplace take a look here: Epsom & Ewell markets

Farmer's Market - Epsom Marketplace
This market usually takes place on the first Sunday of the month.
9.30am - 1.30pm.
Find out more at

Artisan Market - Ewell Village
Come along to see a gorgeous selection of wooden children's toys, handmade jewellery, local honey and jams and lots more. 
First Saturday of the month
10am - 3pm

£Cash in the Wardrobe - Bourne Hall
A new market for pre-loved and vintage clothes and accessories.
This market will be every third Saturday of the month.
10am - 2pm

NEW Vegan, Re-use and Recycle Market - Epsom Marketplace
This new market will take place on the 3rd Sunday of every month, 10am - 3pm.

Epsom Antiques, Vintage and Decorative Arts Market
Sunday 23 July 10am - 4pm

Explore Epsom and Ewell

Get closer to nature and enjoy the outdoors with our various guided walks. Explore local nature reserves, discover your borough's history and boost your health and wellbeing too.

Visit the walks page on our website to discover a range of walks that take place across Epsom and Ewell.  

Epsom & Ewell also has several beautiful open spaces which are great for cycling, including Epsom Downs, Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve, Nonsuch Park, Hogsmill Local Nature Reserve, and Horton Country Park Local Nature Reserve. You can find cycling routes for all these places on our website.

Epsom Common Association (ECA)

ECA supports the preservation and protection of Epsom Common local nature reserve and site of special scientific interest. ECA works in partnership with the Council, the Lower Mole Countryside Management Project and English Nature to contribute to the long term management and conservation of the Common.

Nature walks
ECA organises a number of walks on the Common each year which are led by local natural history experts. The subjects that are usually covered each year include birds in early spring, wildflowers, butterflies, invertebrates particularly bush crickets, bats and fungi. For more info on their Summer Walks Programme see: Epsom Common Nature Walks 

The EcoVols
If you care about the Common and enjoy its wildlife and beauty why not join the EcoVols, the volunteer group of the ECA. EcoVols carry out a variety of conservation projects on the Common throughout the year in association with English Nature, the Council and the Lower Mole Countryside Management Project. You don’t need any special skills or experience just your enthusiasm and time! For more info and the 2020 EcoVols programme see: Conservation on Epsom Common

Image: Green & vibrant icon

Your Council

Council meetings in August and September

    The following meetings of the Council will be held, or have taken place in August, and September:



      The agendas, reports and details on how to view the council meetings are published seven days before the relevant meeting on the website links above.

      Meeting dates are subject to change. When looking for details of a particular meeting, please contact the relevant officer to confirm that the meeting is going ahead as scheduled.

      The calendar of Council meetings can be found here:

      You can subscribe to updates in order to receive information via e-mail regarding arrangements for particular committee meetings.

      Image: Icon Effective Council

      Community Notice Boards

      Submitting a poster

      If you have a poster you would like placing on the boards, please email with an electronic copy of the poster, so the team can double check it is appropriate for the boards. Once the team have confirmed the poster is suitable, please print and deliver 25 posters (one for each board) into the postbox outside the main entrance at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Town Hall, clearly marked ‘Borough Boards’, or ask your Ward Councillor to do so on your behalf.

      Please submit your posters as far in advance as possible, to allow plenty of time for posters to be checked and put up on the boards.

      Content Rules

      Posters should advertise timely local information and events. The following will not be accepted:

      • Overt advertising of businesses or services
      • Any discriminatory language or suggestions, including hate speech and profanities in the text or via images
      • Promoting a religious cause only, with no event or activity taking place
      • Any political inferences.

      Poster content should be easy for everyone to read and respond to. All posters must:

      • Be a maximum of A4 in size
      • Consider accessibility - they should be easy to read, in colours that are contrasting and not using fonts that may be tricky for those with visual impairments to read
      • Posters should include a working phone number wherever possible.  A poster that only points to a website / email for more information will not serve those members of the community who are not online.

      We reserve the right to select which posters can be featured. 

      We will insert posters that meet the content rules above on a first submitted, first served basis, until all the spaces are allocated, and to remove any that are out of date in a timely manner.

      Taylorfitch. Bringing Newsletters to life